Looking for album/band art - recommendations


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Yes, this thread again. People come and go, so it's good get an update.
Please recommend me someone (or yourself) for album and band art.
^ thanks. I actually saw that list after posting here, it's huge! You're right, it's almost too big to be usable. It would be good if the list was for artists actually looking for work. A lot of these are well estabilshed and would have plenty lined up.
Maybe you could post some type of art you like/are after/suits your genre. It might be easier to suggest certain artists. I follow quite a few on instagram and know a couple of people but the style varies massively, depends what you're after really.
I'm also going through the process of finding an artist for an EP cover. As abt, I'm also trying to find artists looking for work since my band budget is not that big an we're using most of that budget for the recording. In my case the style is death metal, so artwork with skulls and that kind of shit. Abt, if you are looking for death metal artwork artists I could send you some links I have already found. Pman, do you know any artists doing extreme metal artwork?

http://www.metal-archives.com/ is also a good resource for finding artists.
http://metalbandart.com/ is also a good showcase site for a few artists but ive never actually used it.

Otherwise i follow a few on instagram who are great:
https://instagram.com/tomstrom/ did the new revocation deathless. i dont think hes done much else yet, just tattoo work but some stuff he posts is absolutely killer IMO
https://instagram.com/andreibouzikov/ this guy is fucking awesome for thrash stuff. a modern equivalent of ed repka. did toxic holocaust and some others
https://instagram.com/dominicsohor/ a friend of mine who does stuff for stoner/doom/sludge. did my sludge bands last cover

https://www.facebook.com/1390592834....1073741827.1390592834486178/1613929375485855 Another local guy, does black and white kind of stuff, kinda punky but super detailed.

These are just a couple, depends what you like and what your genre is really. If you like some specific album artworks, use that metal archives to find out who it was what else they've done. If you wanna post some of your favourites people could chip in and recommend people they know or know of who have similar styles abt and Another Guitar Dude.
Thanks for all the links Pman. I really like the work your friend did with your band, pretty cool. By the way, I've been listening to Not your cup of tea, cool stuff man. Cheers.

Thanks man, appreciate it ha.
I'm not massively into the genre but ended up just joining some mates in the band and having a great time gigging and stuff with the popularity of the genre at the moment.

Another artist actually is Adrian Baxter who has done the art for our new split EP.

And the guy who did the art for my old band, pic in my signature, does loads of black metal type stuff. But for stupidly cheap-free. He currently sells pieces for about £3.50 and tbh they're quite good. He's gotten better since the one in my sig.