Looking for Critique on this Mix...

These guitars have an interesting character in the high-midrange that I happen to like. I'm assuming this is a Marshallesque amp. I think the mix is very appropriate for the song. I would scoop A TINY bit of the mids from the guitars and make the vocals a tiny bit less harsh. Sometimes it hurts a tiny bit on the louder notes. The drums and bass sound GREAT for this track. Details on the mix/tracking perhaps?
These guitars have an interesting character in the high-midrange that I happen to like. I'm assuming this is a Marshallesque amp. I think the mix is very appropriate for the song. I would scoop A TINY bit of the mids from the guitars and make the vocals a tiny bit less harsh. Sometimes it hurts a tiny bit on the louder notes. The drums and bass sound GREAT for this track. Details on the mix/tracking perhaps?


Thanks for listening and for the kind words. The guitars (there are 2 guitarists in the band) are a SG Gothic through a Marshall 30th Anniversarry (Center channel) and a Les Paul Recording throguh a Mesa Mark IIC+ (left and right, and solos).

The drums are a new DW birch kit, recorded like this:

Kick - Sennheiser E602
Snare top - Beta 57A
Snare bottom - 57
Toms - e604's on 4 of them, a 57 on the other one...eah he's got 5 toms..
OHs are Naiant omnis.
Hat- cheap CAD SD condenser
Room - Rode NT1
I think I had an extra channel so I probably used an SM58 on Kick beater side

The room is about 14X17 feet, decent sounding, treated with Roxul, reflective floor and a big cloud on the ceiling.

Bass is a PRS bass throgh a Mesa head and Eden cabinets, also DI thru countryman.

Vox are Rode NT1 and SM57

Thanks again
Sittin' Idol
http://www.sittinidol.com for more tunes from our band
Nicee! I love the feeling of the tune!! Love this kind of music! Mix wise is sounding really good, good job on the tracking! Toms are sounding supreme! Actually the whole drums are sounding pretty good! I agree with Greg, there's something in the midrange that sounds really interesting, it's really adequate to this style! Bass is sounding pretty good aswell! Vox are sounding really good, the harsh thing is really just occasional, but they're sounding really good! Good Job!