Looking for Doom in FLORIDA


May 15, 2002
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Guitarist here looking to jam in Central Florida. Mostly into Sludge (Leechmilk, Buzzoven, Fistula, Corrupted, Noothgrush, Fleshpress) but also like bands like Evoken, Shape of Dispair, Disembowelment, etc.

Reply if interested.
I'm sorry, how are they too much? They were the first band that turned me on to doom, before I even knew what doom was, I just liked Trouble for that one album Trouble with songs like, "RIP", and "Black Shapes Of Doom"!!! Yeah, he doesn't sing as slow as most of the other groups, but the music is generally faster, also.
I'd love to help you out dude, as I'm into doom and a Virgo as well, LOL. I just left Florida, and I'm in SKorea right now, on my way to Italy. There are a few decent bands from Panama City, if you wanna check out that far north, I just left there. However, as you know, Tampa is the death metal capital of the U.S.