Looking for Ezra Stone & Nick from Redemption


Mar 5, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I met a lot of awesome people at the show - especially at the pre-party! (Thanks for all the cool words about the DC Cooper set!) With all the activity at the show (and me spending a good chunk of it at the CD Inzane booth promoting the Vox Tempus CD), I didn't get to finish chatting with some folks. Can anyone put me in touch with Nick Van Dyk from Redemption, and the guys in Ezra Stone?

Glen, sorry I didn't get to chat with you at the show - it was my first year, it was amazing and I'm already planning my trip for next year! YOU RULE!!!
I didn't know that the band (Ezra Stone) was still doing anything and was suprised to hear that the last song we (those that left) recorded was on the compilation CD. Four of us (vocals, keys, drums, and guitar) left to form a new band. I closed the account to www.ezrastone.com after I left too; the address now goes to a generic page. I haven't talked to Rich (he played rhythm guitar) in ages. Last I heard he was doing an AC/DC tribute band. I just tried his cell number too, but it is no longer in service.
chynablue said:
I met a lot of awesome people at the show - especially at the pre-party! (Thanks for all the cool words about the DC Cooper set!) With all the activity at the show (and me spending a good chunk of it at the CD Inzane booth promoting the Vox Tempus CD), I didn't get to finish chatting with some folks. Can anyone put me in touch with Nick Van Dyk from Redemption, and the guys in Ezra Stone?

Glen, sorry I didn't get to chat with you at the show - it was my first year, it was amazing and I'm already planning my trip for next year! YOU RULE!!!

I know Nick's fairly regular visitor over at the Perpetual Motion board...check there. If you still can't find him, I can forward your e-mail address to him (I'm hesitant to give out anyone's address).
