looking for feedback on this mix


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2011
Hey everyone this is a band i've recorded recently, there's a few timing issues as this was not done to a click track. Just looking for advice on the tones/overall mix. Personally I think the toms do not fit the mix at all but I'm out of ideas at the moment on what to do with them. greatly appreciate any help/advice, thanks!

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/69569006/TH...Mix Test.wav

on the master buss i was running a simple chain of: Soft Clipping, Multi-band Comp (mastering - light preset), and then a limiter.
Just to get a feel for what those would do to the mix in the end.
Yup worked now.
The kick and the snare sound decent to me for being recorded but the snare definetly needs some pop to it. I'm not diggin the guitar tones at all :/ I think part of it is too much gain. it sounds like you mic'd the amps though so there isn't much that can be done unless you have the raw di's. Quantizing everything should help the mix a lot because of the sloppy playing. These are just a few things I noticed. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime and give you some advice.
Yeah I do have the raw d.i.'s and I just picked up a reamp box today actually haha. Maybe that's a sign? On the guitars I used both an sm7b and sm57 on the cab, those are blended with Guitar Rig 5 on the D.I. tracks. I'll see about dropping one of the mic's and using more of the DI to have control over that gain, or even just reamping them back through the 6505 and spending more time on tone. I usually try to keep gain no higher than 60-70% up, which is why I'm kind of puzzled on how much gain it ended up having lol thanks for checkin it out man! I'll post an updated mix in a little bit
Cool man, hope it all goes well! I'm certainly no expert but I've found I get pretty decent results by have the preamp gain between 40-50% and the drive on my overdrive around 60%. Are you using an overdrive or just relying on the amps distortion?
just relying strictly on the amps distortion bruddah..Tommy Evans suggested some more eq'ing on the 600-800 region of the guitars and it seems to help remove some harshness.