Looking for Heathen/Forbidden alike bands...


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2012
Besides the well known bands of the bay area thrash scene I am looking for other bands that may have that feel that Forbidden , Toxik, & Heathen have where they play thrash (with more melody) that borders that line with speed metal as well and technical guitar solo work but still intense and heavy.

I don't seem to find many of those bands in this new thrash revival soo much....

Maybe it's just me?
Not necessarily Bay Area Thrash, but have you given Paradox a chance? I mean, they're more in the German school, but still...

I take you know Flotsam and Jetsam? Also, if you like Heathen, give PROTOTYPE a chance. It's Vince/Kragen's other band - progressive/thrash:

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Vektor has the tech thing down for sure, but it's more Voivod and less Forbidden.

Antichrist (Sweden) is the best thrash band of the 21st century. I wouldn't call them techy at all, and you can tell just how much they worship those older Kreator and Destruction records, but I hear some Dark Angel in there, too.
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One of my favourite progressive thrash albums.
I think you'll enjoy Synergy

There is even a beautiful acoustic ballad
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions... I know about Paradox, Flotsam & Jetsem, Laaz Rockit, Realm, Coroner, Extol, and vektor. I know i wasn't very clear about which bands I already knew in genre but it's ok.

Antichrist sounded good so I will definetly check out more from them. Thanks.
I have a few to suggest.

Angelus Apatrida



Personally, I think Panikk is a page right out of the old school Testament book. And Angelus Apatrida is a personal favorite...one of the best of the nu thrash breed.
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Artillery from Denmark, Wrath from the US, Toxik from the US, Holy Moses from Germany and Sacred Reich from the US