Looking for help/someone to mix/master these drums


Apr 10, 2012
I have programmed midi drums for some instrumental songs I am going to record using battery 3 and reaper. I have finished the first song and have mixed it over and over for the last month. I am not looking to get premium studio quality as this is just a hobby for me. My goal is to get some solid drums set up so when I want to record a song I can sit down and get to work instead of sitting down to record and fiddling with tom sound for 3 hours etc.

Anyway I like the sound of the guitars and everything but the drums seem small to me. I am using the samples from nskit_7. I really like the natural sound of the drums as opposed to superior drummer / steven slate etc.

I am wondering if someone who is good at mixing and mastering could take these drums and see what you can do with them. I like the sound of the kick drum and snare but I really could never get the toms sounding good. And overall the drums never seemed cohesive and full.

Here are some links to the tracks:

Drums Mixed - Just the drums with what I was able to do as far as mixing and mastering.

Drums No FX or Plugins - The drums without any plugins or effects all set to 0db unmixed.

All Drum Tracks separate - All individual drum tracks unmixed. (Click arrow to the right of each mp3 to DL).

The Guardian Goat - Full song guitars and bass.

One of the things I am looking to find is how good can these samples sound in the hands of someone who can mix well. And if so maybe share what plugins and settings were used to get the sound.

If anyone can take a shot at this I would seriously appreciate it!
I marked the soundcloud file with the BPM locations of what they were and what they change to. Will this help?

BPM Locations

In reaper I just added a tempo marker and changed the BPM up and down as needed.