Please.... Please I'm begging you. You gotta do more writing/leads/solos for this record. Your writing/playing is incredible. [/B]
Haha, thank you. I am an old enough fart to know that my strengths lie in (lead) playing, writing melodies/harmonies/chords and in general spicing things up here and there (e.g. with synths to create tension etc).
However, I also know for a fact that I suck hard at creating drums and/or catchy rhythmic patterns, bass/vocal lines and lyrics. I also have difficulties staying within a predefined (sub)genre with my ideas.
PS: What works best for folks? Sending around guitar pro files? Or Me tracking the scratch rhy so people can add their own stuff to it?
This is indeed the burning question. My suggestion would be to team up with 2-3 people in the beginning to create the skeleton for the song as a whole with whatever tool everybody is familiar with (gp, midi, tux...). Just make sure that all the parts of the song are in place after this step.
Then, like you said, share a version with scratch rhythm guitars and preferably also with (scratch) midi drums and (scratch) bass. Maybe share the DIs as well, if they are great already at this point. This way other people can comment on the stuff, suggest some changes and try out further ideas within their daws.
Once the structure and the tempo and all that basic stuff is there, then it would be time to layer some vocals, leads, harmonies, synths/percussions/subdrops (=?

) etc and revisit the bass and drum work. Also at this point the hooks and interplay between the instruments could be checked. Again, people should share mp3 versions for comments.
Finally, (re-)record everything the right way (=tuning/intonation/fresh strings bla bla) for the final product to be edited/mixed.
The reason I propose the above method (although the burden is mostly on the initial songwriters) is that I have tried sharing Reaper templates with ezmix and everything midi (Shreddage anyone?) so that everybody involved could edit the stuff directly. This has never worked out well.