Song is very nice! Like it=D Reminds me of Deftones ^^
And now to the mix part:
Sounds a bit muddy, alot happening in the 200-300 area and not much highs looking at a spectrum analyzer the only time i'm getting something in the 15k+ area is when the snare hits

Snare sounds very nice though ^^
Voice sounds nice, but a tad dull. A little more sparkle in the high end would fix that =)
Guitar sounds very nice =)
Lay off the compression on the overheads - these just sounds washy as hell. No attack just....ssssssshhhj..and a harsh sound at that, like you've cut everything below 7k on them? (not hearing much difference if i boost the mix at 4-5k with h-eq)
Not getting a powerful drum feeling as the cymbals sounds so disconnected from the kick and the snare.