looking for an opinion on this mix! need pointers!

Maybe you could try using some saturation on the vocals, and throw a nice reverb on there? I'm on earbuds at the moment so i can't analyze it too well. but it seems like it needs some consistancy and some energy. Also, i am not a fan of the drum samples you have in there. they almost sound too papery on the low end or at least the bass drum does. kind of like stock samples from a drum program. You should try getting a variety of samples from the forums, and from other high rated websites, and blending them together to get exactly what you need for the mix.

Edit: on a second listen through, the vocals could also be executed better. they sound kind of choppy. And a little dry.
Right now I'm only using Superior 2.0. I want to start using new kick/snare samples, but I'm not sure of the best way of running them in Logic. What would you recommend?