looking for mix reference samples, pre-mastering stage


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Feb 16, 2011
Would anyone have any low-tuned (~B), unmastered mixes that they would be willing to share? I have a pro-bono client project where some perspective would be extremely helpful.

The reference mixes that the client brought in are all final stage production samples which are professionally mastered. The (clients) are being a bit unrealistic in thier expectations of loudness/compression/finalEq on thier project by comparing our production-process-mix to the post-production quality of another mix.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Leaving loudness aside, what reason do you have to not aim for a final 'mastered' sound for your mixes?


Strive for a "mastered" sound with your mix and just level match the references, so the client won't be distracted by the commercial loudness of the reference tracks. :)
Thanks gents. I just wanted to make sure I was leaving appropriate room in eq/dyn range to farm out for the mastering process. Typically, I pump it and dump it, but they plan to take the 2ch to a local mastering house. We've gone thru this gent before and have heard from him that he could do more, if we had not come with a slammed premaster.

With these project contributors, I had been just inserting elephant on the 2ch when doing playback for them.

I was rather hoping that a non-pumped reference would help illustrate a better target for the mix before scaling loudness.
Why not just email or phone conference the master engineer with the client on hand to confirm what the ME prefers then let the client decide on what they want done with the levels?
Ie, let them hear that the ME prefers it to be uncompressed.