looking for opinions on this mix,

guitar sounds pretty solid. If it were my song i would probably kill the ambient guitar stuff during atleast a couple of the more big rocking parts, it has the effect of making it kinda all sound same-ish. A touch more kick drum would be cool, it sounds really good. Cymbals are just a smidge too loud here and there, I would automate a drop in volume during verses and leave it loud and proud for the jam riffs. Drums sound kinda programed. I would attempt to unify them a bit more. i might try treating the shells with just a little parallel compression maybe even just riding it in underneath on certain sections. sending the shells and a tiny bit of cymbal to a really tame room verb would be worth trying as well. If there is going to be a vocal I think that would be important to factor in, before making anymore huge changes. All in all it sounds like its mostly there it just needs a little bit of automation, and movement. Good job though, it sounds properly done in general.
thank you man, i really appreciate the opinions, i really want to give the guitars that mid crunch with out making them to harsh and covering the kick and bass, need to play with it a bit more i suppose
+1 to the hats and cymbals being a tad loud.. I'd add some compression to grab some of those peaks that sound harsh.. guitars sound too fake. add humanisation to the midi's as well, sounds like everything is at 127, when everything is normally 100-110.

guitars don't sit well at all for me.
ill pull the velocities down a bit and drop the Oh's and hats, any tips on the guitar tones?
two panned hard left and right two about 20+/-

high pass around 90db
lo pass around 12k

nothing much other than that :/
Id shoot for 80 80 on the second set of guitars, they could cloud up your center image a bit, I dont think they sound bad as is though, im listening on krk headphones fwiw. You may end up wanting to make some small eq dips to clean it up a little in the low mids, like a 2-3db drop around 250-350 with a tight q. Also maybe up higher in the 2-3k range to help vocals sit in a bit better, but again its hard to say without vocals. Also changing the velocity actually isnt the effect I think you need, from my limited experience w the toontrack and midi stuff i think velocity is just going to make the hits softer like the drummer is hitting it lighter, and i think the feel of the hits is ok, you just need to alter the volume a bit during sections. I would bounce down the sounds as wav files and treat them like a real kit rather than dealing with the clunky (to me) superior mixer and effects.
coolness, soo your saying two hard left and right and two 80/80? alsogot the drums in multi out so i can treat them like real drums, ill try out the eq on the guitars tonight. thanks man