Looking for some criticism etc on my first real mix!


New Metal Member
Sep 6, 2012
Hi! I'm currently working on the instrumental track for my band Hail for the Kings:headbang: first single before I'll start recording vocals and such.
I have the For the fallen dreams ''Back Burner'' album and Attilas - Party with the devil (song) as references.
It can be good to say that I've been in this production ''business'' for about 1 year so it would be awesome to get some crits or guidance etc.:headbang:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/104687151/Hail for the King - Dark Ghost.mp3
Whoa, hold off on posting all of your numbers. If we need to see those kinds of specifics, we'll ask. First off, the guitars are utterly lacking in tone, I mostly hear high-end pick attack and fizz on my monitors - no body or actual tone at all. Start the guitar tone from scratch, I don't think there's much you could do to save it. The bass track is way too loud and very obviously sounds like a MIDI track, some humanization and alternate-picking (if you're using trilian or zombass) would go a long way. The bass tone is filling out the actual tone of the rhythm guitars, and that's a no-go. As for the drums, they sound very unnatural and robotic. Humanization could help with the machine-gun-effect, but the kit just doesn't 'gel'. It sounds like what it is - a ton of samples all laying on top of each other, rather than a natural kit. The levels are all over the place. As for the overall mix, it's very very quiet, altering the mastering chain could probably help there. It also sounds like you've sucked all the mids and body out of generally everything with a master EQ... at the source, it seems like everything is good and workable. But the mix seems overthought and overworked. I'll bet starting from scratch will help give you a new perspective.