Looking for some fresh ears!


New Metal Member
Jul 10, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Basically I have been mixing and re recording one of my own songs for way too long ( over 2 years lol). Yep I got stuck:loco: but recently decided to try something different.

I am using my awesome logitech speakers for monitoring till I can buy the monitors I really want and that is why I am asking for fresh ears, to fill in the gaps of certain things that I may not be hearing.

Both these tracks are from this forum so thanks too those guys who put them up.

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there´s a bit of top-end missing in the first track (soundcloud compression might have added to that as well), but that´s a thing i like rather than dislike, since it´s not that exhausting to listen to. Could have less 4k as well, if you ask me. But it´s distorted quite a bit, on top of heavy compression, which negates that again