Looking for some help! PLEASE, everyone read!

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Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
I know a lot of you guys are smart, especially when it comes to this type of stuff (I lurk here A LOT). So any help would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone here know anyone who can "remaster" songs, or anyone here able to do it themselves? Not sure if 'remaster' is the term, I'm looking for someone to make a really bad quality bootleg/song into something audible/better or good quality. For example, if any of you know how the Children of Bodom 'Inearthed' demos where very shitty quality, lots of distortion and shit that made it very hard to listen to and enjoy, then someone made them better and very listenable, not sure how they did or what program they used, but apparently it is possible and I'm just looking for some help from anyone who could do this. If someone can help me out, I would appreciate it very, very much. And I'll owe you a solid favour.

Here is the link to the songs, it's from a band called Ved Buens Ende, they are no longer together, and this is just a live audio bootleg. Anyone who can help make them sound better is going to be my official hero, because the band rocks, just bothers me to hear it in such low quality.


P.S. Mods, as far as I know I'm not doing anything wrong, but if I'm not allowed to post links to bootlegs (eventhough I've seen it permitted for others to do so) then just remove the link, please leave the thread here. Thanks.
Try using a low or high pass filter to filter out excess noise. I don't know too much, I'm sure theres a way to take noises of certain frequencies and pitches out.
Try using a low or high pass filter to filter out excess noise. I don't know too much, I'm sure theres a way to take noises of certain frequencies and pitches out.

Hey, I am totally 100% musically retarded, I love to listen but beyond that I'm useless. I am also computarded so I wouldn't have the first clue what to do. So if you think there is anyway you could help me, please do so and I would be willing to repay the favour, we could work sometihng out. Thanks!
Sorry man. The link was dead before but working again.

I can run some shit on it like some compression, Limiting some overall controlled verb maybe some equing and see what i can do for it. Like if the recording is really rough on the edges then there isn't nothing i can do but maybe tidy it up but i can try to make the best of it for you. Cheers...
Sorry man. The link was dead before but working again.

I can run some shit on it like some compression, Limiting some overall controlled verb maybe some equing and see what i can do for it. Like if the recording is really rough on the edges then there isn't nothing i can do but maybe tidy it up but i can try to make the best of it for you. Cheers...

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you both very much I look forward to hearing what you come up with!
Well I am no pro or anything, but I ran one song through my little home studio and tried a few things. It was a pretty rough recording, but see if you like this and I could do the others similar. The thing to note is that even a pro mastering engineer can't correct bad recordings all the way. It sounds like this was a handheld tape recorder or something, because you can hear people talking in the crowd over the band. That can't be removed without destroying any other sounds. Anyway here it is...

You can download here for the next 7 days before yousendit deletes it.
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