Looking for the Dad of Cherokee!/ Op zoek naar de vader van Cherokee


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2007

Ik ben op zoek naar de contactgegevens van de vader van Cherokee.
Ik heb contact met hem gehad vanwege de foto's die ik had gemaakt van zijn dochter op Waldrock tijdens Symphony X. Wegens een crash ben ik alle gegevens kwijt.

Mocht je dit lezen: zou je me please willen mailen? Mocht iemand dit lezen die hem kent; mag ik zijn contactgegevens :)
Ik heb de foto's nl nog.

Met dank!



I'm looking for the contact details of Cherokee's father. We've been in contact for I took pics of his lovely daughter at Waldrock during Symphony X.
Due to a crash I've lost all details.

If you read this, can you please email me again? If you know him, can you send me some contact information? I still have the pics of his daughter.

Thanks in advance,


Enter The World of Photography
Lluky Gallery - www.llukygallery.nl
by Cristel Brouwer

Drop me an e-mail at jax[at]symphonyx.com & I'll pass it on to him..not comfortable giving his e-mail address out without his permission.