Ephel Duath reviews

From Metal Temple

Ephel Duath is a 2 man black metal project from Italy, consisting of Davide Tiso and Guilano.

The music on Rephormula takes the same form as many other bands these days, namely avant-garde black metal. And that might just be the major problem with this release. While in itself, the songs might not be bad, the band somehow fails to really come up with anything new or spectacular to make them stand out from other releases.

The majority of songs are quite up-tempo, filled with lots of atmospheric keyboards, and, at their best, remind me of something emperor would’ve done a couple of years ago. Highlights for me include the two instrumentals Myriads and Falling and the outstanding Greyness grow already old. But, as said before, none of the songs would classify as bad. The only thing really annoying me about this band is the use of a drum-computer, (why oh why ? Why not use a session drummer instead).

All in all, it’s not a bad release, and If you are a fan of this type of music, I would certainly recommend checking the album out, but if not, there are probably lots of similar sounding, better bands around which you might try out first.
From Pentagore.com

Ephel Duath - Rephormula (Century Media Records)Lee :rolleyes:
Since when did Dimmu Borgir and the Dillenger Escape Plan decide to join at the hip? Well, it might as well be because I'm more confused than an Ehtiopian with a condom. The money used printing this tragedy could have been better used for paying this band to break up quietly and promise to never pick up an instrument again. Straight to the cut-out bin with this one!
From "Renewal"

Avantgardistischer Black Metal sagt irgendwie alles und irgendwie doch nichts aus. Langenscheidt erklärt das Wort Avantgarde wie folgt: "1. (Gesamtheit der) Vorkämpfer einer Idee 2. moderne Kunstrichtung, die sich gegen Althergebrachtes durchsetzen muss". Sucht man sich jetzt Beispiele für eben diesen avantgardistischen Black Metal, könnte man wohl Bands wie Emperor, Diabolical Masquerade oder die neueren Sachen von Morgul anführen. Nun ist es (respektive war es) wohl nicht das erklärte Ziel dieser Formationen, irgendwelche Vorreiterrollen übernehmen zu wollen, um eine generelle Richtungsänderung in ihrer Szene herbeizuführen, aber als eine Kunstform, die sich innerhalb der Genrevorgaben erst mal gegen Althergebrachtes durchsetzen musste, könnte man die Musik der genannten Acts schon bezeichnen, da sich diese in ihrer Vollendung meist Lichtjahre "von der Basis" entfernt hatte und in den wenigsten Fällen von der True-Fraktion noch akzeptiert wurde. Avantgardistischer Black Metal ist natürlich auch ein Freibrief für jede mögliche Verrücktheit, die man sich vorstellen kann. Das Ganze muss ja ein bisschen abgefahren, komplex und "fast schon zu modern für den kleinen Mann" klingen, damit's auch was hergibt.

Ephel Duath verbinden eigentlich alle Eigenschaften der oben genannten Bands auf ihre eigene Weise. Jetzt könnte man natürlich abwinken und sagen: "Ist ja typisch. Kaum sind Emperor unter der Erde, Diabolical Masquerade wohl am Zenit von Blackheim's Künsten angelangt und Jack D. Ripper's Morgul mittlerweile an einem Punkt, wo die Kreativität auf der Stelle tritt, da kommen schon die ersten Aasfresser angerauscht." Das trifft für Ephel Duath nicht ganz zu, denn Rephormula ist die remasterte Version des bereits vor fast zwei Jahren bei Code666 erschienenen Debuts Phormula, welches neben dem genannten Remastering zwei Remixe sowie drei Titel des Demotapes Opera enthält.

Ephel Duath ist respektive war eigentlich ein Duo, bestehend aus Davide (guitars, vocals, synths) und Giuliano (guitars, vocals, bass, synths, programming), respektive deswegen, weil letzterer mittlerweile die Band verlassen hat. Dennoch soll es Ephel Duath auch weiterhin geben. Davide versucht derzeit gerade, ein volles Line-Up zusammenzustellen.

Wie dem auch sei. Die Seelenverwandtschaft zu den oben genannten Bands sticht ziemlich klar heraus. Ephel Duath lassen sich dabei aber alle Türen offen, mischen komplexe Songstrukturen mit ineinander verstrickten Klangorgien, erschaffen mächtige Soundwände, fallen in stille, bedächte Passagen zurück, blasten wie vom Affen gebissen nach vorne los, driften in leicht klassisch orientierte Gefilde ab, setzen auch mal cleane Vocals ein oder benutzen exotische Computereffekte .

Kleiner Tip. Auf http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/47/ephel_duath.html könnt Ihr Euch ein bisschen in die alten Releases der Band hineinhören. Ansonsten kann man sagen, dass Ephel Duath auch schon vor zwei Jahren keine revolutionären Akzente gesetzt haben, ihren Job aber hervorragend machen, und da es in dieser Genreecke nicht allzu viele Acts gibt, ist Rephormula eine überaus lohnende Investition, zumal die Spielzeit monströs ist und die Bonusbeigaben ebenfalls überzeugen können (jedenfalls die very-open minded Hörerschaft, was die Remixe betrifft, da diese sehr industrial- und elektrolastig sind).
From "Aversiononline"

This is my first exposure to this interesting progressive black metal project. I'm not 100% into it, but there are some cool things happening. The general approach here is atmospheric black metal that's heavy on the electronics and technical guitar work, combining sheer speed and ferocity with lots of intricately developed passages and calmer moments. Not exactly something new, but it is pretty cool. My only concerns are that the riffing and most of the searing vocal screams have too much of an Emperor feel, and as with some of Emperor's earlier forays into the "progressive" realm, the keyboards often employ very cheesy tones and are mixed far too loud. I'm also pretty sure the drums are all machines (if not there's a severe problem), which leaves the music sounding too unnatural for me. On the other hand, I really like the singing vocals, the almost exclusively panned dual guitar lines are quite interesting, and the writing is very creative. The vocals are mixed back in with the music, which is awesome. Also included are two fairly weak remix tracks and three tracks taken from the band's "Opera" demo tape (not nearly as strong as the record itself, with even more obnoxious keyboards). The production is pretty good. The sharp guitar sound works, the synths and drum machines add some depth (but I still want to hear some more bass guitar), and the vocals sound great. I would definitely alter the mix though. The guitars need to be more central and dominant, with a fuller core. There's a good tonal range, but the final result comes off too thin. Turn down those damn keyboards. I don't have lyrics or complete packaging, which is a shame because the artwork looks wonderful. The possibility of greatness does exist here, but I don't know… the keyboards are consistently cheesy. I don't feel like the electronic elements are being handled very well here, and it disrupts some otherwise strong songwriting. For the most part Ephel Duath is leaning towards something original, and if they would make more tasteful use of their synthesizers they'd already have a lot going for them, but how they manipulate that concept in the future will be the real issue.

From "Rip N Tear"

Old school, new school, atmospheric, electronic black metal, oh, and with some keyboards, and instrumentation consisting if violin and flute, and xylophone (yes, xylophone) sounds. Intriguing. Upon first listen, its seems hard to digest all these elements in one go. In some songs it appears to work, but others fall flat. However, you get used to the cold, eerie production, old school black metal vocals, keyboard assistance, triggered sounds and other various effects. After a while, with multiple listens, you begin to enjoy it just for it's sheer audacity though. And when it works, it works well, like on the songs "The Blow's Rhymers," "The Embossed," "Greynesses Grow Already Old" and "The Flickering Warmth." A veritable feast for the ears.
From Metallian

The A&R for Ephel Duath thinks they are black metal. The A&R for Ephel Duath must be joking. The duo that is Ephel Duath (yet another Tolkien reference) is really a cross between the Madame Butterfly opera and electronic programming. The duo aims to be experimental and utilizes a drum machine, synthesizers, spoken vocals, etc. and voids any metal references. One always has to wonder why mallcore, rap, Avantgarde, goth and opera are identified as marketable to metal fans, yet metal fans rarely care for their music being sold to the mainstream.
From "metalinzane"

Det här är skumt, jävligt skumt, men bra, jävligt bra.
Musiken kan liknas med Limbonic Art och sena Covenant men ändå inte riktigt samma stuk.
Det är samma mekaniskt industriella ljudbild blandat utav lugna och harmoniska inslag som kontrast.
Det är en skön känsla över skivan inte för att dom är speciellt nyskapande eller revolutionella med sin musik men det är något speciellt.

Das gåshud liegt hoch anyhow.

From "metalwillneverdie"

Premetto che prima di ricevere questo promo non avevo avuto occasione di conoscere gli Ephel Duath, band nata nel febbraio del 98 da due elementi di casa nostra: Davide e Giuliano. Il loro intento era di creare un genere che prendesse come base il black metal, e completarlo con elementi melodici, elettronici, epici e classici. Dire che ci sono riusciti è dire poco: dopo il successo del loro demo, “Opera” , la band riscuote altrettanto successo con il loro debut album Phormula. Ma ora parliamo di questo Rephormula, secondo full album per gli Ephel Duath sicuramente degno di nota. Questo cd ti incolla allo stereo con tracce che contengono un fascino misterioso, l’alternanza dei suoni, dei vari stili, le parti epiche e poi quelle horror, le chitarre elettriche alternate alle parti elettroniche (ad intervalli martellanti quanto musiche da discoteca), e poi ancora la batteria che sembra impazzita… tutto questo avvolge chi ascolta l’album e poi di nuovo cambia song e ci si trova davanti ad un mondo nuovo.. cambiamenti di voce con pezzi di voce pulita, arpeggi quasi medievali e poi di nuovo dentro con la potenza rafforzata costantemente dall’elettronica che assume ruolo principale in gran parte dell’album. Quando metterete Rephormula nel vostro lettore cd, dimenticate ogni genere esistente e lasciatevi trasportare da un genere nuovo, sconosciuto, questo lavoro degli Ephel Duath ha, a mio parere, una grande forza d’impatto nell’ascoltatore ed è sicuramente un buon progetto. Da ascoltare!

From "metalfanzine"
Ephel Duath - Rephormula - 65%

Det italienska black metal bandet Ephel Duath har även de slagit in på vad som en del andra inom genren redan anammat, nämligen vad som ibland kallas black metal för dataåldern. Med mer eller mindre lyckade resultat har bl.a. Kovenant (fd Covenant) och DHG (fd Dödheimsgard) vågat sig på att utmana black metal kulturen. Inget ont sagt om att utveckla och förnya genrer.

De ovan nämnda + Ephel Duath håller sig dock inom ramen för vad jag tycker är accepterat. Vissa skrämmande exempel på sell-outs som dragit iväg åt skrämmande vägar inom ett hopkok av black/techno/synth och gud vet vad. Avhåller mig från att nämna något band, av ren hänsyn till banden ifråga.

Hur som helst finns det, som sagt, å andra sidan band som lyckats förvånansvärt bra i sin "nyskapande" black metal. Dit räknar jag Ephel Duath med deras nya album "Pephormula". Med deras komplexa och precisionsfyllda kompositioner bjuds man på en varierad åktur i laserterängen. I likhet med en del andra band från europas sydligare breddgrader finner man även här en storslagenhet på gränsen till ett melodramatiskt arrangemang av låtarna. Med sitt egensinniga spel i rytm och takt, blandat med utomordentligt behärskade klassiska, men ändock okonventionella, gitarrspel är Ephel Duath ett band att ta på allvar. Rephormula är full av futuristiska överaskningar och lämpar sig INTE som avslappningsmusik vid meditation - det är allt för mycket trådar att ta tag i och hänga med i.

Ibland visar Rephormula prov på en i det närmaste "Meshuggah-komplicerat" ryckig låtsruktur som inte alltid är precis lättsmält. Enligt vad jag läst figurerar beskrivningen "ett Dillinger Escape Plan inom black metal. Det kan med andra ord ibland svänga rätt häftigt mellan olika stilar och tempon. Även om synt i dessa kvarter är mer eller mindre obligatoriskt bygger Ephel Duath de flesta av sina låtar kring ett raffinerat gitarr- och trumspel. Synten har förvisso en framträdande roll i vissa låtar, men håller sig för det mesta i skinnet och låter diskret uppbackande piano. Det ovan nämnda är kanske, vid närmare eftertanke, inte så konstigt då Ephel Duath endast består av Davide på gitarr, sång och synt samt Giuliano på gitarr, sång, bas, synt och programmering.

Grunden för Ephel Duath vilar dock tung på en black metal bas, som inte (som sagt) avvisas allt för mycket i periferin till förmån för pop-techno-synt. En stor eloge till dom bara för en sån bedrift att inte vilja hänge sig åt trender och modenycker. Utan att låta allt för bakåtsträvande tycker jag att det finns en ära i att vara trogen sina ideal och att utrymmet för innovativa förändringar finns inom den givna genren. Ephel Duath kom i stort sett till i början av 1998 och redan i slutet av samma år hade deras första demo, "Opera", släppts och rönt stor uppmärksamhet. Opera kom att, under 1999, stiga till Nr.1 på mp3.com black metal listan - med över 20 000 nedladdningar. Under år 2000 gick E.D. in i Fear studios för att spela in sin debut-cd "Phormula", vilken släpptes av det italienska bolaget Code666. Även denna fullängdare östes det superlativ över och black metal scenen hade ånyo fått ett extremt band i familjen.
Candlelight Records var inte sena med att fånga upp detta nya, överväldigat potenta band och knyta det till sitt stall. Resultatet har, lite snålt, visat sig bli en omdaning av "Phormula", i syfte att lufta fram dess fulla potential(!). På sina 75 minuters speltid finner man inte bara "Phormula" i typ nyproducerad variant, utan också demon "Opera" (tre spår) samt två remixade låtar.

Gillar man innovativ och brutal musik i stil med allt från ren black till mer Kovenant associerad musik lär denna cd snurra ett antal varv i maskinen. Gillar man black metal finns det garanterat guldkorn på skivan. Gillar man mer synt-techno metal lär man sannolikt också hitta guldkorn på plattan. En skattkista att gräva ur med andra ord. Men dessvärre, i mitt tycke, finns det ett allt för stort antal kattguld med i kistan. Candlelight kunde gott ha gjort ett utrens och satsat på de bästa tidigare låtarna av och med Ephel Duath, istället för att ge ut rubb och stubb, när man nu ändå skulle återutge skåpmat. Hälften hade varit nog, som dom sa på SSI.

From ultimatemetal.com, where ever that is :p

Ephel Duath's "Rephormula", a unique foray into progressive black metal, has now been re-released after the recent signing of this Italian band to the Elitist label. An eclectic album over 75 minutes in length, it includes two remixes and the band's 1997 "Opera" demo as a bonus. "Rephormula" beautifully showcases the band's complex yet majestic sound with a precision and intelligence rarely found in the world of black metal.

Opener "The Embossed", with multiple time changes and instrumental passages, sets the standard for the rest of the album, while "Greynesses Grow Already Old" demonstrates that the vocalist can sing just as well as he can screech. "The Danza" shows Ephel Duath's more futuristic leanings, followed by the eerie atmosphere of "The Flickering Warmth". "Myriads", track 6, seems an apt title for music of such diversity, and this short, melancholy and largely acoustic instrumental is a favourite. "Phormula" is, at over seven minutes with numerous synths, a complete contrast and leads beautifully into the more conventional "The Blow's Rhymers". "Insomnia's Desert" closes the album perfectly, leaving you with the insatiable urge to start listening all over again.

The production, as you would expect, is excellent and even with such a wide variety of influences this album manages to remain pleasingly cohesive. "Rephormula" is essential for any fan of intelligent, heavy music and, while not immediately accessible, is well worth the effort…
From "metalmania"

Avantgarda – Progrese – Inovace – Originalita , ale také Schizofrenie – Paranoia a Hysterie – jsou výrazy, jež se budou ještì dlouho pojit k poèinu, do podvìdomí se rychle deroucí dvojice italských maniakù, Ephel Duath. Jakkoli jsou chrámem black metalu zejména zemì severní Evropy v èele s norským metalovým rájem, pøíroda nadìlí do vínku i tam, kde bychom toto èerné umìní hledali s velkou námahou. A pøece se stalo! Pøímo pøed našimi zraky nám støedozemní stát nadìlil duo veskrze romanticko-impresionistických èernoknìžníkù, kteøí dávají na frak i protøelým seskupením drsného severu. A že se skuteènì velikáni èerného kovu musí bát o svùj post na výsluní, o tom nás chtìjí pøesvìdèit èlenové Ephel Duath – Davide (kytary, vokály + ostatní nástroje ) a Giuliano (kytary, vokály + ostatní nástroje) v kompozici, která v podstatì zahrnuje celou jejich dosavadní produkci – tedy témìø celé demo z roku 1998 s názvem „Opera“ a prvotinu tohoto spolku z roku 2000 – „Phormula“.

Opona se zvedá a vesmírné inferno prostoupí všechny vaše vnitønosti v záchvatu nezlomné a gigantické destrukce interního klidu a míru. Prsty rychlostí svìtla pøenášejí demolièní mozkové zkraty na struny a klávesy hudebních nástrojù v nekoneèné sérii nápadù a celkové dílo vystupuje z impresionistického oparu, aby zapoèalo revoluci ve vesmírném systému. Toto, dámy a pánové, je black metal budoucnosti! Tato opera temné lidské mysli, zhmotnìna v mnohastopém záznamu, s Vámi pìknì zahýbe. Kdo totiž èeká syrový a hutný black, tak jak jej známe v pøevážné vìtšinì dnešních podob, ten se doèká nemilého jitra ve svìrací kazajce. Tato porce hudby je totiž mixem tolika rùzných tváøí a enormní identity skladatelù, že by ve své podstatì mohla být mixem moderní hudby obecnì.Dominantou jsou zcela nepochybnì mistrnì zvládnuté kytarové party a pøi poslechu vám je zcela jasné, že tito pánové neusnuli u prvních lekcí kytarové pentatoniky. Oba dva interpreti skvìle ovládají všechny struny a pøedhánìjí se v prstokladových køeèích. Jeden riff støídá druhý, tu ze soudku klasického metalu, tu zaslechnete jazzový náznak, onde zase hutný a tìžký black metalový zásah. Na kytary se jako lstivý had nalepují klávesy, øádnì promíchané s programovanými sekvencemi a prokrveny syntetizátory, jež jsou oblíbenou zbraní obou opálených Italù. Tu a tam vás ovine, jako podzimní vítr plný neklidu, pasហklasické hudby, jen a pouze dokreslující celkovou neotøesitelnost jednotlivých skladeb. Nepøeberné množství rùzných poloh, jak hudebních, tak i hlasových, se na vás vyøítí od první do poslední sekundy celé nahrávky. Tìžko pøirovnat celkový duch alba k nìèemu, co už tady bylo. Nebudeme ale daleko od pravdy, když tento výtvor pøirovnáme k poslednímu dílu ïábelského orchestru Emperor, pøípadnì k neskromným podrobitelùm experimentální hudby Solefald. Je to však pouze naznaèení pøibližného smìru, nebo Ephel Duath jdou svými vlastními cestami, jež jsou v tomto pøípadì vydláždìny skvostnými kompozicemi.

Teprve až v této fázi bych se rád zmínil o stopáži bicích, které jsem jaksi v pøedchozím textu zámìrnì opomnìl. Programové sekce bicí artilerie místy snad popírají nepøekonatelnost rychlosti svìtla a povìtšinou se drží black metalové linie.Co mi však øádnì pocuchalo nervová vlákna jsou pasáže, jež jsem v této oblasti hudby ještì neslyšel – techno! Ano, ètete správnì. Tato dvojice „šilencù“ se nebojí zajít až tak daleko, že se do své nadpozemské symfonie nebojí vmísit prvek, který stojí, v rámci hudebního dìní, „na opaèné stranì barikády“. Jak se jim však podaøilo zapojit tento experimentální kus do celistvosti tohoto nevšedního díla nechám na vašem vkusu a mínìní a zmíním se pouze, že mùj pocit je rozpaèitý, nebo mi tento styl evokuje podivné mrazení kdesi hluboko v žaludku. Ale nutno øíci, že právì toto je také souèástí neskrývané avantgardy, jež nám øádnì zamotá hlavy a zaène pùsobit jako ta nejsilnìjší návyková droga již od prvního poslechu a žádné odvykací kúry zabírat nebudou, to mi mùžete vìøit.

Dokonáno jest. Opona však nepadá. Již jen pøi letmém pohledu na mistrnì zvládnutý cover a celkový art-design alba se zaènete potit, tøást a tìžce dýchat a jediným „medikamentem“ ani nemùže být nic jiného než geniální dílo, životabudiè a zároveò náladotvùrce – „Rephormula“. Koneèný verdikt tedy zní : Bravo!!!

From "Freeze"
Italienska Ephel Duath är ett nytt intressant projekt som inte direkt kan jämföras med något annat band. De spelar i grunden black metal, men blandar upp svartmetallen med influenser från alla möjliga och omöjliga håll. I sin tacklista nämner bandet namn som Beethoven, Sonic Youth, Katatonia, Ravel, Doors, Velvet Underground, Emperor, Sibelius, Nirvana, Paganini, Radiohead och Darkthrone som inspirationskällor - och tro mig, det hörs. Ephel Duaths musik är helt galen.

Vindsnabb black metal, heavy metal-solon, pompösa klassiska partier och barockmusik i en salig blandning. Infobladet beskriver Ephel Duath som ”the Dillinger Escape Plan of black metal”, och varför inte? Precis som hos jänkarna blandas tokmangel med till synes helt malplacerade inslag av annan musik. I Dillinger Escape Plans fall handlar det om totalt sanslösa jazzpartier. I fallet Ephel Duath är det de klassiska stråkpartierna som effektivt bryter mönstret.

Det är en spännande platta italienarna skapat, men tyvärr blir det lite för mycket av det goda. Musiken ändrar karaktär oavbrutet och det blir svårt att hänga med i svängarna efter ett tag. Någon röd tråd finns här knappast. Välspelat och välkomponerat är det onekligen, men lite väl kringelkrokigt. Dessutom vill jag framföra två klagomål. Det första rör trumspelet. Gruppen använder sig av trummaskin, vilket faktiskt passar in i musiken hur bra som helst. Den går från blastbeats till dunkande technotrummor på nolltid. Ganska coolt.

Min kritik handlar om blastbeatsen. Det går helt enkelt för fort och låter mest som en tvättmaskin som centrifugerar. Mitt andra klagomål gäller sången. Den är helt enkelt för hysterisk och skrikig för att kunna få godkänt. Så till nästa gång önskar jag att Ephel Duath förbättrar sången samt håller igen lite vad gäller de musikaliska vändningarna. Uppfylls dessa två krav kan det bli hur som helst. Nu är det tyvärr en bit kvar.

From "Orion"

L'Earache, storica label di Nottingham, continua a rastrellare il suolo europeo in cerca di band da lanciare definitivamente; così, dopo il grande successo ottenuto con il crossover dei Linea 77, insiste con una realtà pescata nuovamente nelle lande italiche, gli Ephel Duath, già autori di un demo culto quale "Opera" e di un debut di tutto rispetto, "Phormula", un sofisticato contenitore di black metal d'avanguardia destinato al pubblico più propenso alle sperimentazioni. La nuova fatica, oltre a riproporci il demo ed alcuni remixes come bonus-tracks, ci mette sul piatto otto songs che proseguono inesorabilmente un'evoluzione musicale simile a quella già vista per gli Emperor, giunti con l'ultimo album al gradino più perverso del black metal, tra oscure progressioni e trame tastieristiche da pura follia compositiva. Gli Ephel Duath giocano con l'elettronica, con la dissonanza, con la violenza, qui stravolta da mille particolari nascosti dentro una spirale che racchiude al suo interno il puro concetto di musica estrema, una cornice deforme completamente avvolta dal caos in continua azione. Il rischio di perdersi nel labirinto di "Rephormula" è molto alto, quindi fate attenzione ad ogni singola sfumatura ed assimilate con calma questo allucinante esperimento che si placa soltanto con le note acustiche dell'incantevole "Myriads", un movimento lento e silenzioso simile a quello di un pianeta che segue perennemente la sua orbita. Nient'altro da aggiungere, il primo grande disco black metal targato duemiladue è arrivato... Dall'Italia!!

5 out of 6
From "ViolatedRot"

Well I really dont know what to think about this crap. First of all why does Earache have to release gay black metal? I dont mean to be an ass here but this is absolutly fucking crappy. Maybe in some other country outside the US Black Metal is Considered Good ? Fucking Drum machines ? and Keyboards every where. I couldnt even make it to song 6 the title track. Anyway I dont want to write anymore about this piece of shit. I am gonna grab the old ladies make up and play dungeons & Dragons ill be back........


From "Tombstone"

This is the second full length album of the band. They are playing black metal with influences from the majestic scene and bands such as Dimmu Borgir among others. Their black metal is not bad at all, but it’s nothing special either. The main problem is that I find it somehow predictable. The arrangements could be a bit more clever and some more original. What I didn’t like most is the vocals which I find a bit flat and what I liked most was the keyboards. They help a lot in creating an atmosphere and there are some very cool passages. The production is good but not perfect with the main problem being that it is not very clear. The album features 8 new songs plus a couple of remixes and the legendary Opera demo that helped them build a reputation for themselves and secure a deal. Just another black metal album among the tons that are around nowadays, offering little more than well played music. Nothing special.

From "metal.it"

Solitamente, quando si sente parlare di gruppi black sperimentali viene spontaneo aggrottare le sopracciglia in segno di disappunto e accennata diffidenza. E’ abitudine comune, infatti, il tentativo di svariati gruppi di seguire (o inseguire) le orme dei maestri del passato, bramando quella stessa gloria e riuscita creatività. Diciamoci la verità (ahimè), la maggior parte delle volte questo tentativo fallisce…. ma non in questo caso. La predisposizione verso gli Ephel Duath all’inizio è stata piuttosto scettica, ma questa sensazione si è stemperata già al primo ascolto. La struttura di ogni singolo brano ha veramente colpito nel segno. Il riferimento a svariati generi è manifesto, ma tutta questa miscela è suggerita dal gusto e dal “buon senso”. E’ presente, addirittura, un lievissimo cenno al gothic/industrial, ma ovviamente il lavoro si colloca in ambiti decisamente più “estremi” e il richiamo alle atmosfere psychodark costituisce solo una minima sfumatura. In un certo senso, il confronto con i Limbonic Art è immediato. Tanti sono gli elementi comuni e brani come “Greynesses Grow Already Old” e “The Blow’s Rhymers” fanno da esempio. In realtà questi brani sono tratti da “Phormula”, il loro album precedente, e sono stati appunto riformulati perché gli Ephel Duath hanno attuato un passaggio di etichetta, saltellando dalla Code 666 degli esordi, alla Candlelight Records. Inoltre, un altro importante cambiamento è stato effettuato. All’inizio, gli Ephel Duath si presentavano come un duo, ma qualche ostacolo ha ridotto questo progetto ad un'unica mente: Davide. Il concetto basilare è uno: i brani devono cercare di riprodurre il contrastante e a volte contraddittorio assetto della mente umana, dove quasi niente è logico e lineare. Il risultato è un lavoro sì complesso ma di indubbio fascino. La città di Praga fa da sfondo a queste considerazioni. L’ispirazione è nata, infatti, nelle cupe e avvolgenti atmosfere di questa magica località. Nel corso dell’esistenza gli elementi e le influenze che concorrono alla formazione totale dell’intelletto sono innumerevoli. Stesso discorso vale per la musica degli Ephel Duath e credo che l’intento sia stato raggiunto. E’ il caso di dire che, ancora una volta e alla faccia di chi esalta sempre l’estero e le sue produzioni, il black nostrano si è fatto valere pienamente.

From "Voices From The Darkside"

Whew! Crazy stuff from the mysty mountains (= EPHEL DUATH, from Tolkien) for Black Metal loonatics! This is EPHEL DUATH's debut album ’Phormula' (including 2 remixes and 3 tracks from the demo sessions). For me their music is hard to follow because of the songs' complexe structures (usually not that hard for me), strange synth sounds and unusual programming. Maybe I should invest even more time into this, but whenever I seem to get accustomed to a song, there are techno dance rhythms (or whatever) added and I REFUSE to listen to something like that! It's short passages, so until I finally reached the eject button, at least the weird Black Metal is back. EPHEL DUATH's music is very successful at MP3.com so I guess open minded EMPEROR or SUMMONING fans might actually like this. I just can't see a connection between the misty mountains or Black Metal with dance beats, even though they're added rather occasionally. Just imagine dwarf Gimli swinging his axe in a modern dance temple! Or is this idea what the band intended? It's a pity because it's spoiling a record that might have turned out to be a mind-blower!
From "metal factory"

Die aus Italien stammenden Black Metaler, präsentieren mit ihrem Debüt-Album dem Zuhörer eine sehr komplexe und symphonische Scheibe, die immer irgendwie zwischen Lymbonic Art und Emperor hin und her pendelt, aber viel neuer und kälter daherkommt, und Drummcomputer eingesetzt werden, die zeitweise fast in technoartige Gefilde abdriften. Sonst säuseln Synthesizer-Melodien im Hintergrund, welche die Gitarren tatkräftig unterstützen. Zwei geremixte Stücke und drei remastered Stücke eines Demos sind auch noch enthalten. Alles in allem nicht gerade mein Ding, Fans von Lymbonic Art und Co. ist ein Reinhören aber zu empfehlen.
Marco G.
Punkte: 7.2 von 10
From "metal-guide"

Not many months have passed since we had their previous one for review here, and here we are with their new release. Their new release is not a new album, but contains the songs of their debut album Phormula in Code66 and also the tracks from their Opera period and a couple of remixes. Ephel Duath are from Italy, and this works very positively in their music since they manage to combine good melodies with their aggressive Black Metal, small atmospheric passages with hyper speed blasts. The band is heavily inspired from bands like Dimmu Borgir and Majestic Black Metal bands in general, but also manages to keep a personal style to their music. The band is a duo and the biggest surprise of the album were the excellent keyboards, which create amazing atmosphere in the songs. The arrangements are very good, with only very few less good moments, and the ideas into them are well transformed into the songs. The only bad thing, that the bands couldn't avoid, is that sometimes they sound rather predictable, something that is not happening enough times though. The production is good and helps their music enough, although some more improvement could help. The band has a lot to offer in the future, so check them out.
From "Hellride"

I dunno if this band got their name from the Tolkien works or not (Ephel Duath is the western mountain-fence of Mordor, lying between it and its ancient enemy Gondor, in which stood the tower of Minas Morgul - see what kind of junk you come up with when you do searches on Google? - amazing!), but gawdamn if this thing wouldn't give ol' J.R.R. a migraine. Even beyond the grave.

Ephel Duath's claim to fame is that they are supposed to be the Dillinger Escape Plan of Black Metal. Which is another way of saying that Rephomula is music for black metal kids with A.D.D.. Those complex changes in tempo and anguished screams of pain with wacky keyboard flourishes sound like overproduced triggered drums, a drunk dude that screams, and out-of-tune keys to me. Maybe that's how they are supposed to sound, I dunno. It's a Symphony for a Headache in Temple-Pounding Major to me.