looking to get a snake


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok so im producing the band next door to mine in my studio and their room sounds pretty good, so i figured i can control everything from my room and have their room be like a live room.

i measured, and would need roughly 50-60 feet of cables to get from their room into my interface...

i'm guessing i'd have to get a snake to make my life easier. average 16 channel (with at leat 4 1/4") snakes run from $250-$500 i'm guessing.

the livewire, etc. "averave" brands being on the low end and the high end being like customized mogami cables and stuff.

my main question is how important is it to get "top of the line" snake with the best connectors and such. how are proco? they are reasonable priced and feature neutrik connectors.

by the way the quote i got for the mogami was the "build you own cable" thing on redco.com website. i did it just as reference, i'd appreciate any help to getting this done at not a $500 level. $500 is kinda rediculous to me as far as a snake goes, unless you guys feel it is a neccesary expense to get my moeny's worth with all the other gear i have. i basically need a step in the right direction.
i believe that the price you will pay for the snake will ultimately depend on whether you buy one raised in captivity or whether you choose to find a rarer specimen caught in the wild. in fact, i'm quite sure this is the way it works.