purchasing new cable......am I doing right?


Oct 31, 2005
I went to Redco and am looking at getting the 300' Mogami W2534 Quad Lead wire, and 12 Neutrik NC3Fxx and 12 NC3Mxx connectors.

...all this comes to $330......in 12 - 25' cables thats about $27.50 a cable.

At musiciansFriend, the Quad Lead Mogami 25' Cable is $55 each!!

My question....is it worth getting the Quad lead cable?? And how do you solder a Quad lead cable to the connectors??:erk:
if you have the money I would go with the quad lead, having more conductors can do nothing but good things, and I haven't heard anything bad about those cables. Search this forum for cabling, there was a thread a while back that had a website that told you everything you need to know about cables and what all the conductor stuff really means.
I just don't see a point in getting more than three conductors when your plugs are only going to have three points to solder to. It'd be like buying a 32ch snake instead of a 24 - sure, the extra shit may come in handy somewhere way down the road, but for what you're doing, you're really never going to need it.
Quad conductor cables have 4 wires and a shield. Typically like 2 blue wires, 2 white wires. You solder the ground to pin 1, both blue wires to pin 2 (or three, whatever your patern is) and both white wires to the other pin.
Using wires in parallel like this is supposed to increase rejection of radio however it also doubles the cable capacitance.
No doubt you'll end up w/ some nice cables but .$90/ft is a lot for cable. Honestly, unless you've had problems w/ RF I would just go w/ 2549. Either way you'll end up w/ nice cables.
Seeing as how the capacitance is already extremely low for Mogami, doubling it still gives less total capacitance than an equivalent length of a lot of cheaper cables. You do also get better interference rejection - think if it as like a guitar humbucker; both coils (or for the cable, same-colored wires) pick up surrounding noise at opposite 'directions', so when the two signals are added the noise cancels out.

If you have noise and interference problems, that quad is worth it; since you're outfitting yourself with serious cable for a reason, I'm not assuming money is as important as quality (you don't floss with fucking Mogami, it's good stuff) so you either have better noise rejection or an almost imperceptible decrease in capacitance. I'd say it's worth it, because there's no telling when you'll have interference problems pop up and these kill them fucking dead, but it's your call.

If you're not familiar with this stuff, I highly recommend reading up on it. It can be somewhat important.
