Looks like Charlie is not the only B4 drummer who's not playing Aussie

What a fucking mess. That's the two best drummers on the Festival lineup gone.

At least Charlie is still in the band. Not the first time Lombardo has fallen out of favour with the band. Question is who actually runs that band business wise? Kerry?
I read about this last night. Things aren't looking to good for Slayer. With Jeff out and now Lombardo, their future is kind of up in the air.
And to top it all off, Jon Dette is filling in for Slayer too. Something tells me with King and Ian to deal with he won't be getting twice the pay. LOL.

And I wonder what dirty little secret Lombardo was set to find out in regards to the bands finances before the shit hit the fan.
Sucks to see those two B4 bands in limbo like that. I wish Anthrax would figure out a way to work with Spitz again. Don't fully understand what deal with that is.
Is quite funny that so many drummers are not coming,blink,anthrax,slayer and six feet under actually cancelled because drummer had accident
Sucks to see those two B4 bands in limbo like that. I wish Anthrax would figure out a way to work with Spitz again. Don't fully understand what deal with that is.

Dan Spitz didn't just leave Anthrax, he left the music industry to go make watches. I know in recent times, Dan has gotten back into music with his own band Red Lamb, but even that has had sporadic activity. I don't know if any band could figure out a way to have him as a full time member.

Also, Dan Spitz and his wife have 4 kids (I believe) and 2 of them are autistic. That is very demanding and Dan obviously feels that its more important than being out on the road.
Dan Spitz didn't just leave Anthrax, he left the music industry to go make watches. I know in recent times, Dan has gotten back into music with his own band Red Lamb, but even that has had sporadic activity. I don't know if any band could figure out a way to have him as a full time member.

Also, Dan Spitz and his wife have 4 kids (I believe) and 2 of them are autistic. That is very demanding and Dan obviously feels that its more important than being out on the road.

Before it gets deleted.....

Statement From Dave Lombardo Regarding Slayer Australian Tour 2013

I want to personally apologize to all of our fans in Australia who have bought tickets for the tour expecting to see me in my usual place on the drums.

So that you all know the truth, as of the end of the business day on February 14th, I was notified that I would not be drumming for the tour in Australia. I’m saddened, and to be honest I am shocked by the situation.

Last year, I discovered 90% of Slayer’s tour income was being deducted as expenses including the professional fees paid to management, costing the band millions of dollars and leaving 10% or less to split amongst the four of us. In my opinion, this is not the way a band’s business should operate. I tried rectifying it by letting my band mates know, and Tom and I hired auditors to figure out what happened, but I was denied access to detailed information and the necessary back up documents.

I spent the Christmas and New Year holidays realizing I had toured all over the world in 2012, but yet, had not been paid (except a small advance) or provided a proper accounting for a full year's sweat and blood. On top of this, I was told that I would not be paid until I signed a long form contract which gave me no written assurance of how much or on what basis management would deduct commissions, nor did it provide me access to the financial budgets or records for review. It also forbade me to do interviews or make statements having to do with the band, in effect a gagging order.

Last Monday, I sat down with Kerry and Tom to rehearse for Australia and to propose a new business model that I felt was the best way forward for Slayer to confidently protect itself so we could do what we do best . . . play for the fans. Kerry made it clear he wasn’t interested in making changes and said if I wanted to argue the point, he would find another drummer. On Thursday, I arrived at rehearsals at 1 pm as scheduled, but Kerry did not show. Rather, at 6:24 pm I received an email from the lawyers saying I was being replaced for the Australian dates.

I remain hopeful that we can resolve our issues. But once again, I sincerely apologize to all of our fans in Australia who spent their money expecting to see the 3 of us original Slayer members.
I look forward to seeing you in the future.

Dave Lombardo
Dan Spitz didn't just leave Anthrax, he left the music industry to go make watches. I know in recent times, Dan has gotten back into music with his own band Red Lamb, but even that has had sporadic activity. I don't know if any band could figure out a way to have him as a full time member.

Also, Dan Spitz and his wife have 4 kids (I believe) and 2 of them are autistic. That is very demanding and Dan obviously feels that its more important than being out on the road.

They have 2 kids, Dan has 2 from a prior marriage.
Last Monday, I sat down with Kerry and Tom to rehearse for Australia and to propose a new business model that I felt was the best way forward for Slayer to confidently protect itself so we could do what we do best . . . play for the fans. Kerry made it clear he wasn’t interested in making changes and said if I wanted to argue the point, he would find another drummer. On Thursday, I arrived at rehearsals at 1 pm as scheduled, but Kerry did not show. Rather, at 6:24 pm I received an email from the lawyers saying I was being replaced for the Australian dates.

There's always 3 sides to the story. The two parties and 3rd is the truth which is somewhere in between. So I try to give King the benefit of the doubt, but this makes it awfully hard. King is either hiding something, or just doesn't want to give Dave anymore. To just have a flippant attitude of "we'll just get someone else" is bullshit when its a founding member. If it was a replacement member wanting to know about Slayer's business, thats another thing. No Dave and No Jeff... I think it's time to end Slayer. This isn't like Megadeth where we may have our favorite guitarist and drummer, and maybe even bassist. We've been conditioned over the past 30 years to realize that Megadeth is Mustaine, and no one else. Everyone else contributed, but no Mustaine = No Megadeth. All the others are, and have been replaced, even though Ellefson eventually returned. But Slayer is different. Its been Tom, Jeff and Kerry since the beginning, and Dave except for 10 years in between.
Tom and King with 2 other guys, eh, no thanks. Nothing against Holt, he's a beast in his own right. But its half of Slayer is not Slayer.
Must admit as much as I respect Kerry for his musical contributions, personally I've never liked the guy. Always seemed like an arrogant arsehole to me.

But like someone said always two sides to every story. Considering what has happened, Lombardo is showing an incredible amount of diplomacy and grace on his part which makes me think that Kerry is holding all the cards right now (Dave probably worried he won't get anything out of this financially).

Having said that - things are not looking good for Hanneman health wise, and he's gone very quiet too. Kerry keeps saying he doesn't know when Jeff will be back - nay I say its not a matter of when he'll be back rather IF he ever will be back. Combine this with Lombardo's exit and I think this is probably the end of Slayer.

So I think I might go an try to enjoy them one last time next weekend at Soundwave. Possibly the last time we might see them on these shores.