Looks like Charlie is not the only B4 drummer who's not playing Aussie

This fucking sucks. It is not bad enough that Anthrax constantly has issues but now to see Slayer in 50% mode it is a grim day for thrash. No disrespect for Jon Dette or Gary Holt because they are fine musicians but Lombardo and Hanneman are usually involved with writing the music. Is King going to write and record all the tracks himself? Makes me think that the chances of a new Slayer album this year are low.
^ makes me think the chances of a new Slayer album period, is very low!
@Anthrax_Mosher a Slayer album without Jeff is like's having a non alcoholic beer.

Seen it way too many times what happens when bands lose their key songwriter - Queensryche losing Degarmo, Helloween losing Hansen. All goes South.

Some even say Metallica's music started going downhill after Cliff's tragic passing.

It's simple for me. No Jeff. No Slayer. It would be like Benante leaving Anthrax. No more Anthrax.
Jon Dette is now saying that he's filling in for Charlie on certain dates of the Metal Alliance tour. Anthrax needs to stop playing so many shows without him, especially on a tour where they are playing ATL in it's entirety. Hopefully Benante will have his shit together enough to play the Texas leg of Metal Alliance.
Jon Dette is now saying that he's filling in for Charlie on certain dates of the Metal Alliance tour. Anthrax needs to stop playing so many shows without him, especially on a tour where they are playing ATL in it's entirety. Hopefully Benante will have his shit together enough to play the Texas leg of Metal Alliance.

I was going to say the Canadian dates, but there are none.

It could possibly be court dates.
I also see Stone Temple Pilots have `fired' Scott Weiland too.

And to paraphrase the man, `how does one get fired from a band I founded, fronted and wrote pretty much all their hit songs for?'
Starting to sound like Slayer is dead, at least to me, No Jeff & Dave, no Slayer:

On the health status of SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who is still recovering from necrotising fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease, which he is believed to have gotten from a spider bite:

Kerry: "I don't have an update. I haven't seen Jeff in forever. He's always been a recluse, and he's even been more of a recluse since he's not going on tour with us. But our manager talks to him from time to time and sees him in L.A. just randomly. But I'm far from L.A., so I'm not in that loop. But I guess he's just getting better. It's just one of those things where he can do anything in life. He could be hanging here having a good time with us. He can probably play 'South Of Heaven', but he's not gonna be playing 'Jihad', you know what I mean?! So it's just a muscle memory kind of thing, I guess, at this point."

On whether Jeff has been involved in the songwriting process for the new SLAYER album:

Kerry: "It's just all my stuff for now. But I did that just in case, 'cause I don't know what Jeff's intentions are. So I wanted to have SLAYER covered in case he doesn't come to the party. If he comes to the party, then we've got tons of songs."

On whether contingencies have been made in case Jeff doesn't make it back to SLAYER in the near future:

Kerry: "I think Gary [Holt, EXODUS guitarist who has been filling in for Jeff for the past couple of years] is in for the long haul. I haven't really discussed it with him. But he keeps his schedule free when he knows we're on tour. And I'm pretty sure, if Jeff all of a sudden came back in June, we would probably pay Gary for freeing up his time. I don't wanna treat somebody that's bailed us out for two years badly. But if Gary played with us forever? I'm OK with that. But if Jeff got better and said, 'Hey, man, I'm ready to play,' and he came to rehearsal and showed us he was good enough, that's his show."

The whole thing can be found here:

Jon Dette is now saying that he's filling in for Charlie on certain dates of the Metal Alliance tour. Anthrax needs to stop playing so many shows without him, especially on a tour where they are playing ATL in it's entirety. Hopefully Benante will have his shit together enough to play the Texas leg of Metal Alliance.

i dont see a problem with it,its a genuine reason him not being there,it would be diff if it was for drug use etc,if i had a choice to see them with a differnt drummer than not at all i would def choose a diff drummer to keep the shows going.
So is Jon Dette playing the US shows also? I thought it would be Charlie, hence the interviews and all... thought he couldn't leave the US and this was the problem.