Looks like I picked the wrong year to go to Virginia Tech.

I've been watching this all morning. I know a few people from High School who currently go to VA tech. This country is un-fucking-believable sometimes.

Up until Monday, the deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history was a rampage that took place in 1966 at the University of Texas at Austin, where Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower and opened fire with a rifle from the 28th-floor observation deck. He killed 16 people before he was shot to death by police.

Holy shit, I remember reading about this. You'd figure that after the first 2 -3 people were shot, the courtyard would have emptied out pretty quick so he must have been taking careful shots to pick people out from their hiding places.
yeah... that part doesn't make sense. 2 hours!? Did he have a fucking silencer and no one heard the first shots?
Yeah, one person dead in the dorm.

Twenty people dead in the classroom.

And he just strolled over from one location to the next? It even says the police were still pre-occupied with the dead body in the dorm when he later opened fire in the classroom.

Who was leading this investigation???

No, theres a video a kid took with his cell phone, you can clearly hear the shots and the shooter is several hundred yards away. The police were investigating the first shooting when the second report came in. It looks like by the time they got to the second location he had killed 20 more people, and then himself.
No, at least not from every report Ive heard. It looks like he just walked in, started shooting, walked out. Some kids barracaded the door and he tried to get back in, shooting at (through?) the door.
...... by the time the second burst of gunfire was heard, and some bitterly questioned why the gunman was able to strike a second time, two hours after the bloodshed began.

"What happened today was ridiculous. And I don't know what happened or what was going through this guy's mind," student Jason Piatt told CNN. "But I'm pretty outraged and I'll say on the record I'm pretty outraged that someone died in a shooting in a dorm at 7 o'clock in the morning and the first e-mail about it — no mention of locking down campus, no mention of canceling classes — they just mention that they're investigating a shooting two hours later at 9:22."

He added: "That's pretty ridiculous and meanwhile, while they're sending out that e-mail, 22 more people got killed."

yeah, no shit. This is absurd. It's not like this is the first ever student shooting spree in history either, so you'd think colleges would have this routine scripted by now.

Well we have to see how many of the dead are black, then we can see about that tie-in angle.