Loomis confirmed for Sanctuary

that would be pointless especially since i am sure Warrel wants to be 100% for the Sanctuary set.

Not necessarily pointless. Sanctuary and Nevermore are both scheduled to perform at 70000 Tons of Metal. They also participated in a metal festival in Japan recently playing back to back nights, as Nevermore and Sanctuary. I'm sure it'd be doable.

Nevermore are touring right now anyways for those that want to see them, they've also added a Sanctuary tune to the set list for a little taste of what's to come.
no thanks!! I want all Sanctuary songs...PERIOD!!

to clarify, I love Nevermore....but it's Sanctuary headlining....why shouldn't they do a set of just Sanctuary music??? now, if they want to do an encore of a couple of Nevermore songs then that's all good. But by the time the festival rolls around, they will have their 3rd cd out, which is more than enough material to play for the headlining slot without infusing Nevermore material.