Loomis confirmed for Sanctuary

Stoked about this news.

And Nevermore is on tour now, if you want to see Nevermore songs, go see Nevermore (I am!)
Their set should only be Sanctuary songs (and will be)
to clarify, I love Nevermore....but it's Sanctuary headlining....why shouldn't they do a set of just Sanctuary music??? now, if they want to do an encore of a couple of Nevermore songs then that's all good. But by the time the festival rolls around, they will have their 3rd cd out, which is more than enough material to play for the headlining slot without infusing Nevermore material.

for the record and before i say this i like Nevermore.

why would Sanctuary TARNISH a perfectly amazing reunion set with some Nevermore tunes?!? that is idiotic. there is a REASON why they are adding Sanctuary tracks to their live set now. SANCTUARY is what people REALLY want to see right now.
to clarify, I love Nevermore....but it's Sanctuary headlining....why shouldn't they do a set of just Sanctuary music??? now, if they want to do an encore of a couple of Nevermore songs then that's all good. But by the time the festival rolls around, they will have their 3rd cd out, which is more than enough material to play for the headlining slot without infusing Nevermore material.

Huh? Nevermore songs being an encore is an even worse idea than just putting Nevermore songs in the setlist. I said it once and I'll say it again, even though they are doing it on other shows, I really don't want Nevermore to overshadow Sanctuary.
Yeah, but Nevermore material is better than Sanctuary material. I kind of was figuring on 7 or 8 of the best Sanctuary tunes mixed with a healthy dose of Dream Neon Black material. Say what you will, but DNB material trumps anything from Sanctuary ;)

Yeah, but Nevermore material is better than Sanctuary material. I kind of was figuring on 7 or 8 of the best Sanctuary tunes mixed with a healthy dose of Dream Neon Black material. Say what you will, but DNB material trumps anything from Sanctuary ;)


I would say that's a matter of opinion. Hard to compare them honestly. Nevermore has had the lengthier career and both bands just in general sound completely different to one another. I like DNB, but I'm going to have to side with ItMB being better.
there is a REASON why they are adding Sanctuary tracks to their live set now. SANCTUARY is what people REALLY want to see right now.

Yeah, so it's weird that in the last week, last.fm shows that their listeners have listened to 20 times more Nevermore songs than Sanctuary songs (23043 vs. 1140). We should let last.fm know that they must have a bug in their software! It shows there were more listens to 2 Nevermore songs ("The Termination Proclamation" + "Emptiness Unobstructed") than to the entire Sanctuary catalog, and that more people listened to "The Hurting Words" than "Battle Angels"!

Also, it's not like this is the first time Nevermore has played Sanctuary songs.

why would Sanctuary TARNISH a perfectly amazing reunion set with some Nevermore tunes?!? that is idiotic. there is a REASON why they are adding Sanctuary tracks to their live set now. SANCTUARY is what people REALLY want to see right now.

I agree that Sanctuary shouldn't play Nevermore songs in their reunion. But don't tell me that the reason why NM plays Sanctuary tracks is because that's who everyone wants to see right now. NM has already played Sanctuary songs in previous tours. Also, NM has a larger fanbase, and let's face it... it people didn't want to see them, they wouldn't be attending their shows in this headlining tour. Sure there are people who want to see Sanctuary, but don't generalize it like that either.
Yeah, so it's weird that in the last week, last.fm shows that their listeners have listened to 20 times more Nevermore songs than Sanctuary songs (23043 vs. 1140). We should let last.fm know that they must have a bug in their software! It shows there were more listens to 2 Nevermore songs ("The Termination Proclamation" + "Emptiness Unobstructed") than to the entire Sanctuary catalog, and that more people listened to "The Hurting Words" than "Battle Angels"!

Also, it's not like this is the first time Nevermore has played Sanctuary songs.


Of course more people have listened to Nevermore. Last.fm did not exist when Sanctuary was around and Nevermore is a current band. In terms of the younger metal heads, most know who Nevermore is, while a good amount probably haven't heard of Sanctuary. I don't know how it's that shocking.