Lord Belial-The Seal of Belial


It is ours you know.
Apr 27, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
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What do you guys think of the new Lord Belial album? Most of the songs seem to sound like the sound of the song "Unrelenting Scourge of War" on their last album "Angelgrinder". I watched the video for "Mark of the Beast" before I listened to the album, and I have to tell you, I was impressed. It's not nearly as fast as some of the tracks off "Angelgrinder", but it is no doubt a great album. This album is a fusion between Black and Death Metal, sort of similar to Old Man's Child. Not in the way that they sound like Old Man's Child, but they are among the new wave of bands that can be categorised as both Black and Death Metal. It is very satanic (as in the last album), but I bet that won't turn too many people away from this one. There are a few guitar solos in the album, but there seem to be quite a bit of songs where there's no solo. You'd expect to hear a guitar once per song, but there are solos in there. Also, the ridicoulusly (sp?) fast drum triggers are gone. People who've heard the last album know what I am talking about. I've been waiting for it to released forever, and finally it has been released to little dissapointment.

What do you guys think of the new Lord Belial album?
I know what you mean by the ridiculously fast drum triggers. I have to say Angel Grinder's drum production was not the best but the song Unrelenting Scourge of War is in no doubt fucking killer. So, i can't wait to hear the Seal of Belial. I am an enormous fan and yet I can sadly say that I haven't purchased it! Pay day, however, is on the way...

How are Thomas's vocals? The distortion? Heavy and chunky like on the Unholy Crusade or crisp and a little thinner sounding like on Enter the Moonlight Gate (their masterpiece)?
Tomas Backelin's vocals are quite similar to Angelgrinder. They actually seem a bit like "Enter the Moonlight Gate". I haven't heard too much from "Kiss the Goat" or "Unholy Crusade". I have the latter, but I do not enjoy it nearly as much as "Enter the Moonlight Gate" and "Angelgrinder". I haven't heard "Kiss the Goat" at all, but I am currently searching around to find a place to buy or download it. I have "The Seal of Belial" downloaded, but I am not sure if it is released in the U.S. yet. Once it is, I will no doubt buy it.

This album will put them into the popular underground metal category. It has the sound that will bring them success. They made a video for "Mark of the Beast" and you can find it on their website! Here's the link: (It's in the downloads section.)


Anyways, the drum production is much, much better, and the fast bass-drumming parts actually sound like they were made by a real person. The drummer definetly shows his talent in this album! So far I still think "Enter the Moonlight Gate" is their best album with "Angelgrinder" in second. The new album comes in third, but that may actually change, since this is the first day I have listened to it.

Wait, a second, I just now found a sweet part in the 4th track that is so freaking heavy and awesome. The guitar riffs in this song are currently blowing me the fuck away. God damn. This song sounds a lot like "Enter the Moonlight Gate" Lord Belial, and it fucking rules. Holy crap.

To describe the guitars in the new album: It's almost exactly like that of the song "Unrelenting Scourge of War". You know, that sot of low whiny sound?
Somberlain said:
The only album by Lord Belial I've really enjoyed is Kiss the Goat, everything else is sub-par or average. I might check this new one out, but it's not a priority.

The metal heads who have heard Lord Belial seem to always have only two opinions about them: either that their albums are complete works of art or that they are just another swedish black metal band, sub-par or average as you said. It seems rather strange to me because their music is just excellent!
I used to think the same; especially with their earlier works. It took me quite a few listens to fully recognize their genius. I found myself enjoying "Enter the Moonlight Gate" more and more as I listened to it. I liked "Angelgrinder" from the moment I heard it though. "Unholy Crusade" is at the bottom of my CD collection right now, but I've been meaning to revive it, since I've listened to only one or two songs (too damn lazy to listen to it in full, which is what you kind of have to do). But yeah, almost noone who's into Black Metal hates Lord Belial. I mean it's like what Sacramentum has stated above. You either love it or you think it is just another average Black Metal band.

They are more of a fusion of Black and Death Metal nowadays which turns people on to them, and they are steadily gaining recognition in the Metal world in return. They have always seemed to be the Deicide of Black Metal. Some of their song titles are so anti-Christian like; "Burn the Kingdom of Christ" or "Unholy Crusade" or "And Heaven Eternally Burns" or "Satan Divine" or "Purify Sweden" or "Wrath of the Antichrist Horde". That doesn't turn me off from their music what-so-ever because most of their lyrics are ellaborate.
Meh, I subscribe to the opinion that this band is totally mediocre and unnecessary. Also, they were better back when they used flutes and stuff than when they try to be brutal.