Lord Nero Introduces Himself.


New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2013
Hello, Metalheads.

Well, I guess I'm kinda new to this forum thing and being on the net talking about Metal. I hope I don't make myself sound like an asshole. Anyway, there really isn't much to say about myself. I would say that I'm basically a reclusive person. I hate most people I meet and have no desire to make friends or talk to people. Ironic given that I'm here now. As far as the Metal I like, I would say that my main Metal tastes lean toward Black Metal/Death Metal particulary old school bands from the early 8os, Traditional Heavy Metal like Priest/Maiden, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm not as into later Death Metal and Grindcore. I like any music as long it has a melody and some of that stuff misses the mark totally in my view.

Anyway, I play music myself which is maybe the main reason I'm here as I hate all of you. If I didn't need to spread my own sickness, I would likly stay in my dark lair and plot my revenge in silence. However, the hate has since bulid up enough in me that now I reaiize I must satisfy my own wrath on humanity before my final fall. I have since committed several crimes in the Black/Death Metal genres. My main music project is Molestation which is in a style I like to call Blackened Death Thrash and dedicated to spreading perversity and desecration of the holy spirit in the name of Satan. The music is total Sarcofago and early Mayhem worship in my own way. You can checkout out our semi official demo "Demo 2012" here:

I have another one that is more of a side project with a rather complicated history. This one deals with my own visions of insanity and is a one man project. This is striaght forward in a style I would call "Ambient Depressive Raw Black Metal". This is similar in style to early Mutiilation and moldled after old Darkthrone among others. You can checkout the self titled debut demo here:

I've also formed my own record label as a conspirarcy to spread my own brand of wrath, vegenance, and hate. It's called Fallen From Heaven Productions. You can find us on Youtube and Facebook. I also have other crimes committed and others that I'm plotting as we speak. I hope they rot your skulls. Other than that, I'm a very regular guy with a dark side. I'm a Satanist of the Diabolist variety and regards myself as a very religious person. I worship the Christian Devil and knows the pit of hell wil be my final home. It doesn't matter to me what any of you think of that. I'm also in my 20s and live in Bound Brook, New Jersey in the United States. I would tell you how to contact me but I won't have any desire to talk to you anyway so I'm not going to bother. That's it guys. Suffice to say, I hope you destroy your souls for the dark one and keep listening to Metal.

Infernally Yours,
Lord Nero.

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