Lost Horizon!!!

David St.Hubbins

Heavy Metal Neanderthal
I think Lost Horizon should play Bloodstock!

They have released an album recently that got a literally untoppable 100/100 from metalreviews.com

What's more I actually first heard about the band at Bloodstock 02. I was given the sampler for their first album in the foyer of the assembly rooms. Took it home, listened to it, was blown away!

Thier music is great and they have a really funny image (including ridiculous stage name such as "Preternatural Transmogrifier" and "Etherial Magnanimus"), they would be a great band to see at Bloodstock o3
Lost Horizon is indeed a truly superb band and one of the only bands i'd truly love to see live. However, if it's only the second album you have heard I recomment getting the second. Whatever Metalreviews may say (I usually agree with them), the first album is undesputably better than their latest. However, they'd still make an excellent addition to the band list. Highly recommended.
So i'm not the only one getting a feeling of deja-vu stormwarrior. To aneyone who has heard 'A Flame To The Ground Beneath', listen to 'awakening The World'. It's the their best album and truly represents the band's potential.