Lost Horizon looking for vocalist


Sep 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
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Lost Horizon is one of my absolute favorite bands. If you haven't heard of them, they are a Progressive, Power metal band from Sweden ( there are audio samples on their website www.oncelosthorizon.com). They only have 2 cds out, and both are in my top five favorite cds. Their vocalist is my second favorite ( next to Russel Allen) and absolutly amazing; therefore, I wanted to cry when I read the latest news on their website. I am posting it here because I figures some of you may be interested in the news or in being their new vocalist.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BACK TO THE MAGIC OF OLD TIMES!

As many have surely heard, the label Music For Nations no longer exists. This is an effect of the merger between Zomba, who owned MFN, and BMG. Consequently Lost Horizon has been released from their contract, and they are now free to negotiate with other labels.

In relation to this, vocalist Daniel Heiman and guitarist Fredrik Olsson announce their leave from Lost Horizon in order to pursue other projects. Since they have been pulling in a different direction than the rest of the band for some time, all six agrees that this is the best solution.

The remainder of the band Wojtek Lisicki, who only just returned to Lost Horizon, Christian Nyquist, Attila Publik and Martin Furängen, will continue the magic voyage – back from where they started out in 1998! Work on the third Lost Horizon album is under way, and already more than half of the material has been completed.

If you who read this know that YOU are the coming world-class singer of Lost Horizon, do not hesitate to
send a sample of your work (either as mp3 or write to ask for an address).

Lost horizon has already received offers from several labels, and other interested parties are welcome to approach us.

A new era has begun!

And at last – Lost Horizon can savour the luxury of not being stressed!
Damn that's a total bummer. I really liked his voice. I hope he does something good with it and that LH can find someone equally good to replace him. This probably squashes my hopes of seeing them at PP6, but then again, IE and Adagio made it.
Unfortunately I think Lost Horizon without Daniel will never be the same again. To be honest, he was the reason that got me into the band, even though they're really talented. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hear who the new singer will be, and I hope (though I have doubts) he will be as good as Daniel. They didn't lose a fan over here, but it's kinda upsetting...

Me and my friend are trying out for this, me on vocals him on guitar. Our aim is to make the tape so horrendous and terrible that they are in physical pain when watching it and have to mention it on their website.
Silent Song said:

Bands who lost singers:

Lost Horizon
Ark (not extremely recent)
Zero Hour
Savatage (maybe not so recently)
... & more

not a good trend!
Also Falconer....new singer totally blows!
Dark Moor

Lost Horizon will not be the same. His voice was unique and powerful...definitely one of the best power metal singers out there. This definitely sucks big time!