LOST WORLD ORDER - complete album-download for free!


New Metal Member
Dec 10, 2009
Hey guys,

we are LOST WORLD ORDER from Bielefeld, Germany, and we play Endzeit-Thrash Metal!

Our new album „Marauders“, recorded at the Soundlodge-studio, will be released on vinyl in early 2010, coming in a gatefold with splatter-vinyl and a free patch.

You can also download the whole album including a booklet FOR FREE from our homepage!

If you like the stuff, it would be great to see you spread the news. Help us to spread the name LOST WORLD ORDER!

If you are a concert-booker, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us, too.

Thanx a lot for your help and sorry if you see this as spam.

We look forward to your feedback!

Support Endzeit-Thrash Metal!
