LotFP in the News


Dec 20, 2005
Or the zine that can’t be named.

As so often the case with slick, post-Killswitch metalcore, Life in Ruin is 100 per cent enjoyable (unless you’re the type that writes epic dissertations for worryingly obsessive true metal webzines) and instantly accessible/familiar (delete as appropriate).

Leander Gloversmith. “Metal to the Core.” Terrorizer May 2006
I'd take it as a compliment to be tagged obsessive, although passionate identification with one's work is not appreciated.
It is strange that metal is these writers' job, so to say - their occupation.
In German, a job is called "Beruf", which is related to "Berufung". "Berufung" means "vocation".

So if metal is their job, shouldn't it be their vocation, and shouldn't they be - if not obsessed - then at least serious about it and respect those that are - even without monetary gratification?

Maybe those scribes have lost their relation to the subject matter - if they ever had it al all...Marx' alienation from labour? :err: