Louis CK is the smartest man on earth

hahaha just watched that second video.

"I could beat the shit out of thousands of 2 yr olds all day!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm liking this guy, he's totally old school style comedy.

Dane Cook is here in Vancouver today... 60% of my staff took today off for the fucking show. The guy's NOT FUCKING FUNNY, YOU FUCKING MORONS. I dated a girl last year who was in love with him, made me sit through two of his specials... and OH MY FUCKING GOD, the guy's terrible at stand up. She kept looking at me with that dumb face she had, "How come you're not laughing?" THE GUY IS NOT FUNNY.

Not to hate on him... I think he's a great actor, and he's a funny actor. But stand up? Fuck that noise.
i've never been a big fan of him, i just watched his new stand-up special and will admit i laughed pretty damn hard, he's less physical and the jokes were more quality this time around.

i've never seen Louis CK, i had heard about him quite a bit too but never checked him out, i was really missing out :( i gotta try to find the entire shameless special not just clips on youtube...
I can't believe I hadn't checked out his stuff before, I just watched one of his specials, i think it was called Shameless and it was absolutely fucking hilarious. It looks like he only has one more though which is disappointing, I don't often find really hilarious comedians.
I knew about him but never paid much attention.

Really and truly, hats must go off to Will for flying the flag for CK all these years, because he was absolutely right.

I think what makes him so funny, as was mentioned before, is that it's all normal shit. Our lives are so fucked up beyond belief that when you stop and look at them from a different point of view, we really are a funny bunch of idiots in an idiot species and all you can do is laugh.

I'm with Kevin...I was not breathing on the "I could beat the shit out of thousands of two year olds ALL DAY!" Also, in the Conan vid: "You know what? On a flight, everyone should just be going, 'OH MY GOD! WOW!!!!!'"

"You're sitting in a chair....IN. THE. SKY."

And: "Oh really? But after that did you not partake in the miracle of human flight, YOU NON-CONTRIBUTING ZERO?!?!"

Never seen Dane Cook until now...and now I know why. He's the equivalent of your juiced-up, hyperactive friend who tries to come up with shit off-the-cuff that's just not funny. "Oh, now I'm gonna talk about masturbation and all the girls will think it's funny because I'm a handsome guy, even though it's a fucking dumb, un-funny joke." He's the Children of Bodom of stand-up.

I think what makes him so funny, as was mentioned before, is that it's all normal shit. Our lives are so fucked up beyond belief that when you stop and look at them from a different point of view, we really are a funny bunch of idiots in an idiot species and all you can do is laugh.

That's what made Carlin genious, the ability to pick apart reality and shine it in a different light.