Low budged equipment choice (Raw DI tracks recording)


Dec 20, 2008
Hi there!

I am going to record raw tracks for further reamping.
What item should be there in the chain within the Guitar and Soundcard.
Is it going to be DI-Box or Mic Preamp.
I am going to record Bass and two guitars.
The bass is Warwick $$
Guitar #1 ESP LTD M-400 (EMG's 81 neck&bridge)
Guitar #2 Gibson Flying V'67 (Gibson 496R and 500T passive humbucker pickups)
If it is going to be DI-Box, which one should I use (passive or active)
Due to the information I've found the output of the DI-box isn't enough for recording straight to the sound card so should I use Mic preamp after the Di-Box or are the any devices like all-in-one.
Are devices such as A.R.T X-Direct or Z-direct and A.R.T. Tube MP acceptable cuz they are not that expensive for me.

Cheers! :rock: