Best DI-Box for Bass?


Jun 23, 2009
Hay Guise!

Which DI-Box do you choose for bass recording? J48? Countryman? I´ve got a passive palmer DI-Box and the bass sounds like SHIT when I record with it. The bass amps DI-Out isn´t any better... I get a lot of hum with any setting.

I mostly record basses with active pickups.

I've had success with both the on-board Millennia Origin DI and the Countryman Type 85. I think if you're in a decent price bracket and go for something relatively transparent, you'll be ok. Beware on-board DIs on cheap interfaces. They will fuck you quicker than you can say '300hz'.
Yeah... I use the High-Z ins of my Audient ASP-008 for my guitar recordings, but our bassist likes to have his amp roaring while recording.
The Millennia unit is a bit out of my budget but I already thought about buying a Type 85...
I just used my J48 for the first time recording bass yesterday, and the result was really good compared to my interface instrument jack that I used before. Cant say much more than that though, Id have to check it out more.
Ok thanks... I think I´ll order the Countryman. I trust you guys and here is just love for this DI wherever I look :grin: