Low Frequencies & Small Monitors


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Just wanted to start a thread to get suggestions for working in the lowmid and low frequencies on small monitors. I am using 1st gen KRK Rokit 5's and it drives me insane trying to figure out what is going to work or not in respect to lows.
This might not be that useful, but have you tried downloading the stems from Rockband? I think this could be useful as you can stick analysers on the low end instruments, and see how they work theoretically. So in effect you can mix frequency wise without actually listening to it.
Ascendant said:
^ Mixing by eye is hardly ever a good idea.

Haha, I knew this would spark some controversy. What I'm suggesting is not to directly mix by eye, but you can see how low end is working in other mixes without having to directly listen to them.

Edit: Also hate to being this up, but Beethoven wrote a lot of great music whilst he was deaf.
RedDog said:
Beethoven had ultimate headroom and didn't have to fit his symphonies on two speakers.

True, but I was referring to Beethoven creating art whilst being deaf. The same thing applies to mixing.

And on a more serious note, just get a decent sub woofer.
Smaller monitors aren't necessarily a bad thing; I think the quality of the monitors is key. I'm using KRK Rokits (5" which I believe is their smallest version). I'm in an apartment so it's not like I can crank the volume anyway but these things (IMO) provide quality sound and I feel like I'm getting decent mixes and able to hear the low end frequencies as well. As far as setup/room, I have my studio setup in the dining room and my desk is in the middle of the wall (not in the corner). I know everyone has their own preferences but this seems to be working for me. (again, I'm in an apartment...bigger place coming soon). Hope this helps.
Cheapest solution is a pair of Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones. They are pretty detailed in the lows and easily go into the sub-bass region as well, more than any other headphones I've tried.
I always struggle with this area too. I try to get a better picture by checking on headphones once in a while, and in the car.
I use a a set of focals for primary, then krks with a sub and then a mastering set of phones and a consumer set of phones. For the low end the phones are crucial to get an idea of how consumer will hear it. Things can sound great in a room but the low end is just simply too much on phones. In your situation i would spring for a nice pair of phones and snag a cheap set while your at it. nake sure your low end sounds good on the quality pair and then reference the crap pair to make sure you can still hear the low end to some degree.
That makes total sense. I sort of do the same with my computer speakers as well; my interface output is through my KRK's but when I dump my mix to an mp3 file on my hard drive I then listen to it through my computer speakers and I may go back and forth with my new file and a couple other songs from other bands to see how it compares. I also listen to it in my car. But yeah, getting a consumer set of phones is a great idea too.