
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
For the love of god, nobody here told me about these guys? I'm going to assume nobody here has heard of them yet...otherwise I'm coming over to where you live and rip your eyes out.

You know I love you really. :tickled:

OK looky what we've got here:


And here's an overview from our friends at Aquarius Records:

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]We had been eyeing this record for a while. They are called Lumsk after all. And their logo is the letters in Lumsk rendered as gnarled trees and roots, and the cover features a sketchy drawing of a long haired nordic warrior, hair blowing in the wind. The name of the album and the song titles are all in Norwegian too which is never a bad thing. At best it would be some amazingly weird black metal record, at worst some beer hoisting Viking sing along metal, either way, we'd probably be pretty into it. Well, when we finally cracked one open, it was neither of those things, and so much better than we could have hoped for. The simplest way to describe Lumsk is some strange mix of Hammers Of Misfortune, Enslaved, Scandinavian folk, and the Fucking Champs. Sounds weird. Sounds impossible actually, but that's definitely what it sounds like. Lots of complex instrumental riffing, lots of loping seasick Viking rhythms, along with simple drumming and loads of organs and keyboards, occasional violin and even a choir, but then there's the vocals, male and female, both proud and majestic, soaring and weaving, definitely reminiscent of Hammers Of Misfortune. My thumbnail review was originally "a more epic, Viking metal Hammers Of Misfortune", but on further listens there's just so much dense Carcass-y instrumental stuff going on under the surface, that it makes the soaring (almost renn-faire sounding at times) vocals sound almost alien in that context. It's a little bit power metal, a little bit folk metal, a little bit doom, a little bit prog, and yeah, a little medieval / rennaisance, but put it all together and not only does it not make sense, but it makes so little sense that it makes absolutely perfect sense. To us at least. Definitely NOT death metal or black metal, way more melodic than heavy, and downright pretty at times, but still plenty heavy enough to please all the discerning metalheads around here.

And here are some samples:

Ormin Lange:

Skip Under Lide:

Det Var Irlands Kongi Bold:

And here I go off to order the CD from Red Stream.... :)
I got their album when it was released and though I don't listen to it terribly often it gets a spin now and then giving me some satisfaction. The first 2/3 of it are very good but it looses its direction towards the end, but still very enjoyable; a competent mix of metal and folk music.

EDIT: [Taken from]

"Lumsk has finished the recording of their new album "Troll"!
Read the studio diary here and click here for some samples ("Trolltind", "Nøkken", "Dunker" and "Åsgårdsreia"). The album is scheduled for release on April the 25th in Norway. Info regarding release dates in other territories will be posted soon."

:hotjump: (even though I haven't listened to the samples yet)
I've known about them for ages, but bands I recommend never get checked out by anyone apart from spaffe anyways, so I didn't actually bother with mentioning them.
I've known about them for a long time too. And I'm guessing Henrik, just as I, first saw them on "NRK2 METAL SVISH"-The greatest tv-program on earth! :kickass:

Oh, and I don't like 'em. The riffs are decent, but the vocals ruin it for me.
Still must look further into this band....geez, what a write up from Aquarius and they've never failed me yet:

"The simplest way to describe Lumsk is some strange mix of Hammers Of Misfortune, Enslaved, Scandinavian folk, and the Fucking Champs."

@Spaffe - how do you do this google search thing for old threads?
WTF, I've not yet checked their 2nd albums out, and now they've released a third one? :mad:
Not that I've heard any music from "Det vilde kor", but when a band like Lumsk makes music with lyrics taken from the eminent norweigan poet and writer Knut Hamsun, I doubt the result can be anything but awesome. That cover art is mighty nice as well

I just heard the song Om Hundrede Aar Er Alting Glemt and I am completely confused to who I'm listening to. From my understanding this entire output is a collection of lullabies that were designed for Norwegian elevators during the winter shopping season. The guitars are strummed not by picks, but by feathers. While the violin bows have been donated to the Norwegian NAACP to be used as gnat floss. Where is the band who made Åsmund Frægdagjevar?