Lunar Eclipse TONIGHT!

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
Tonight there will be a full lunar eclipse, which only happens once every 2 years. We here in the west will be able to see it in it's full glory - as long as you can stay awake, that is! It starts at 1:00 am PST until 7 am. It will be at it's height between 3-4 am. Should be a good view - it's very clear out tonight. So if you're on vampire time - check it out!
Don't forget the 2 "moons" tonight! Actually the Mars will be so close to Earth,so you'll be able to see it between midnight and 12:30!
I saw the whole thing! :kickass: Thanks for posting this, Aja! It was a beautiful sight to behold. Not a cloud in the sky here. We also got a call from a friend around 2:30am to tell us about this! LOL! Us night owls! :headbang: Happy Birthday Keyser!
Happy Birthday Jackie! What a lovely gift from Mother Nature!

Hee hee I knew you guys would be up for it, Linda! You have such a good open viewing space in your yard - we have a lot of trees that occasionally blocked our view. But not much! It was right between 2 big branches when it was at the height of it all. It was so clear here and the moon was so bright so the eclipse was really detailed! Amazing! :headbang:

But just wanted you guys to know that the 2 moons thing is - well, not exactly a hoax, but not true either unfortunately. Here's the info on it straight from NASA:

Altough I read that you could see Jupiter and Antares in the southern skies on the 26th. Missed it. :mad: Wish I would've known so I could've taken a look - we've been having the clearest skies this month that I can recall in a long time.
Altough I read that you could see Jupiter and Antares in the southern skies on the 26th. Missed it. :mad: Wish I would've known so I could've taken a look - we've been having the clearest skies this month that I can recall in a long time.

Maybe it's just the LA light blocking you, but I've seen Jupiter several times recently. It's right in the middle of the constellation of Scorpio (though if you look on a star chart it will say it's in Sagittarius; procession of the equinoxes).

I did catch a small bit of the Lunar eclispe while baking gingerbread Monday night. Thanks for the notification!
Its all pretty cool.

Most awesome thing I ever saw was the solar eclipse back in August 1999.

Total solar ecplise, it was great, although due to my location we were not supposed to get a good view of it. In the end it was a bright sunny day until it started, we never got darkness but the was a very eerie light for about an hour.

I managed to see the moon pass in front of the sun without destroying my eyesight too.