Lunaris news / press release


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
Oslo, January 7th 2005
Since the John Dee show in november, a lot has happened in the Lunaris camp. Circumstances both inside and outside of the band forced us to make some rather drastic changes that has affected the outlook of the band. In december, the decision to continue Lunaris as a three-piece unit consisting of M, Balfori and Ray was made. It was the right thing to do at the time, but it did not take long until I realized that I could not be a part of this either. I have decided to quit the band, leaving the Lunaris legacy to founding members M and Balfori. I will still handle the band`s financial and commercial issues, and contribute with lyrics for the next album, but will not be involved in the songwriting process.

Although “Cyclic” was very much a band effort, and an album we all are very proud of, Lunaris has always been a result of M`s musical abilities. With a new album set to de made, I feel that I have nothing to contribute to the kind of music that is to be expected, and that if I make anything, it will differ to much from M`s work to make a good album. Therefore the only right thing for me is to leave these responsibilites to the the other guys, and concentrate on what I do best.

We all wish to thank Janos, HP and Dr. Dream for helping us moving Lunaris from a studio band to a live-act. There have been quite a few good times, and more will surely come, but in another setting.

Stay metal,
