Lunaris reviews


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
The reviews are starting to happen already! As usual, I'll be putting 'em here.


From Tartarean Desire

This debut album from Lunaris is one of the very first releases on the new Earache subsidiary Elitist Records which is run by Lee Barrett, the founder of Candlelight Records. Elitist represents exactly the kind of fresh new thinking that Earache is in need of right now since they have stepped down in quality during the late 90's. The first signings of Elitist shows a lot of promise and even though Lunaris is a new band the members of the band are no newcomers to the metal scene. The band was formed in 1998 and features members from several leading Norwegian metal bands. Lunaris plays black metal but this is far from the typical Norwegian black metal band. Their music is extremely progressive and technical with highly complex song structures and both clean and black vocals. The clean vocals are handled with perfection by Øyvind Hægeland of Spiral Architect while Balfori from Frost's side project 1349 takes care of the black ones. This is a band of contrasts and by mixing the aggression and extremity of black metal with the complexity of progressive music Lunaris have found a very interesting niche for themselves to explore. Tempo changes are very frequent and this helps to keep the attention of the listener throughout the whole album without difficulty. Something that add further to the greatness of this band is the somewhat unusual keyboard arrangements which reveal some classical influences from their keyboard player Ray. The drums on this album were played by the one and only Asgeir Mickelson of Spiral Architect / Borknagar but he has since then left the band to be replaced by Janos Di Croce from the Italian band VEGA. Lunaris is without a doubt one of the most promising new bands on the Norwegian metal scene and should please every fan of progressive extreme metal. Stand-out tracks: "In The Eyes Of The Heretic", "In Contempt Of Humanity".

From Voices From The Darkside - Germany


Honestly spoken, I think this will be a hard review for me, because “Intricate Astral Metal” (so tells the label) would never be the type of music I would voluntarily listen to, because this categorization simply does not give a single hint of what the music possibly could sound like and so does not catch my attention. In my opinion it is useless to invent new pseudo-original Metal categories that do not tell you anything about the music. My first thought when looking on the short information on this CD was that I asked myself if the NASA is getting into Metal or Aliens from outer space used their slimy tentacles to grab up electric guitars. What the fuck is “Astral Metal”??? To solve this riddle I put on the CD and came up with the following definition: LUNARIS (consisting of BORKNAGER, SATYRICON & SPIRAL ARCHITECT members) play Progressive Black Metal with some really weird elements. In ‘Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum’ they use organs and samples and throughout the whole album you will discover keyboards, acoustic guitar parts, industrial sounds, programmed drums (‘In The Eyes Of The Heretic’), plus some clean vocals, the latter being importunate and bothering in my opinion. The Black Metal parts are comparable to newer SATYRICON or KHOLD and also SAMAEL, and definitely not bad (check ‘...Of The One’), they are cold, grim and not over-technical, but they lack of the darkness and intensity that raw Black Metal bands are able to deliver. The ‘unnatural’ elements LUNARIS weave into their “Intricate Astral Metal” sound fit and certainly create an original effect. Where the first half of “The Infinite” is relatively straight and conclusive, ‘Growth Denied’ and ‘Primal Construction’ are both a bit overloaded and the weak points on LUNARIS’ Debut. But towards the end it gets better again and the song structures return to the quality of the beginning. This CD will definitely never become my cup of tea, but if you are into the bands I mentioned above or fancy stuff like ARCTURUS or THE KOVENANT you should like LUNARIS too, I do not, but at least honor their creative approach and courage. So it’s up to you to decide if you like it the modern way or not, I will definitely return to my old school shit, because it is not so exhausting and only features three instruments instead of ten.
From Metal Chroniques - France


Pas de suspense insoutenable, Lunaris vient de sortir un des albums les pus riches et intéressants que l'on ait eu à entendre cette année dans le registre black/death. Cela dit, est ce vraiment surprenant quand le line up de ce jeune groupe comprend des membres de Borknagar, 1349, Satyricon et Spiral Architect ? D'entrée de jeu, une intro au son indus avec une ambiance qui fleure bon l'excellent album... Admirez la collusion claviers / guitares (et qui se poursuit tout au long de l'album...), la rythmique qui colle au mur, et surprise, il ya le chant black, mais aussi un chant clair (très heavy, assuré par le bassiste Maztema). In the Eyes of the Heretic est une entrée en matière très réussie... Le second morceau, Arise se distingue par les guitares au son assez crasseux, et ses changements de rythmes... et une fin de morceau sans merci... of the ones est tout simplement la suite d'Arise, on l'on pourra apprécier le jeu du bassiste et les solis de guitares d'Azarak... Si vis pacem para bellum, le titre parle de lui même, ça blaste, mais avec finesse (ce que nombre de groupes de blacks ne sont visiblement pas capable).... Mother of storm est plus classique mais les arrangements claviers / guitares / section rythmique lui donnent une dimension très forte... Growth denied, le choc, le chant clair et l'orchestration progressive du morceau (qui a dit dream theater ?) qui confirme le talent d'exécution du groupe, ça laisse songeur quand même... Primal construction, avec en intro une harmonie de guitare distordue, là encore le groupe alterne passages black ultra speedés, et passages mid tempo classieux. In contemp of humanity, avec le clavier et son intro simple mais tellement accrocheuse... qui donne la ligne rythmique qui suit, très fort... A final journey, un peu de boucherie agrémentée de claviers... Et pour finir en beauté, Soulcrush, avec une nouvelle apparition du chant clair en duo avec les vocalises black de Balfori... et les choeurs à la fin du morceau ! Cet album il vous le faut, la richesse des arrangements, l'originalité des compos compensent largement une production qui manque un peu de puissance. The infinite est un premier album comme on aimerait en entendre plus souvent, il a une classe que nombre de groupes n'atteindront pas (même en vendant leur âme au diable...), et il donne envie de le réecouter une fois terminé... Plutôt bon signe quand même, non?

(It's good :))


You see Lunaris actually includes members of Borknagar, Spiral Architect and 1349 (but are no side project before you ask). Well that is exactly the sort of style I like in my Black Metal. I guessed before even getting this that it was going to be Norwegian (well obviously) dark and very slightly kooky. On listening to this the first time I was definitely taken back to the time I was just discovering Black Metal and noticed comparisons with the likes of Dimmu Borgir (For All Tid), Covenant (In Times Before The Light) and Arcturus (Aspera Hiems Symfonia). Obviously with these great references in mind The Infinite is enhanced by
almost a decade of technology, which shows through in the recording process. Some ominous clankings pave the way with some chugging guitar at the start of In The Eyes Of The Heretic. Layers of sound build up and keyboards start spiralling, Balfori at first snarls and then the vocals immediately segue with a clean croon, which is melodic in the extreme. The pace whips onward and stop start dynamics are utilised. I am aware that this is an album that isn’t going to be prepared to stand still for a second. Arise has a drum battery intro before we are taken off on an icy distorted vocal ride through the arctic wastes. Classical keyboard passages are ever present driving the melody to schizophrenic levels. The carnival bizarre rears its welcome head with …Of The One and the first symptoms of Norwegian insanity are emphasised. Satyricon are in my mind a definite focal point as are Fleurety and Arcturus. Azarak gets the chance to cleave away with some excellent guitar soloing and with 3 sets of backing vocals things just keep changing. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum is definitely the track I would expect to appear on Magazine promos. If You Want Peace Prepare For War is exactly what Lunaris seem to be building up for. By Mother Of Storms they have it firmly in their grasp but the storm is one with moments of great peace in the wake of its destruction. Growth Denied is definitely the most insane track with a total Prog madness that owes to The Cardiacs and Zappa along with soaring operatic vocals that really surprise on a first listen. This is one that will astound and confuse the black metal purists but as far as I am concerned is the best track on the album. Favourite thematic misanthropy is utilised with In Contempt Of Humanity which considering the subject matter is genocide of quite un-violent means. By closer Soulcrush, which peaks in excessive wondrous choral operatics, I am more than ready to play this over again. I think Lee Barret’s Elitist label, which is actually an imprint of Earache, is going to be a really interesting label to watch. As eclectic as Moonfog and Voices Of Wonder in its roster I doubt I will find much on the label that I dislike. Lunaris are a band that we will be hearing from again shortly; new material is already being laid down and I for one look forward to it.
From - Greece


A band that features members of Borknagar, Spiral Architect and Satyricon and an album full of black metal with some progressive influences and some straight metal elements in their sound. Their music can be described as astral black metal and you'll find influences from Dimmu Borgir and early Covenant among others. I liked the way they combine brutality and clear vocals and I liked the changes in the music and style they have, even within the same song. I liked the fact that they are trying to experiment a little and bring something new to the scene. I also enjoyed the vast majority of the songs. They play good music and I would like to hear more from them and on the same style, developed further. The production is good enough, clean and heavy, as needed. There's a lot of talent and potential in the band and their album is highly recommended for all our black metal readers. Give them a chance and you'll be surprised.

Courtesy of UM's very own Russel


Lunaris - …the infinite
Elitist 13th September 2002 MOSH903CD
By Russell Garwood

With“…the infinite”, Lunaris provide more of the cutting edge, ground-breaking music for which Elitist records is fast becoming renowned. Described as “intricate astral metal”, the music is most closely related to black metal, with sporadic but apparent prog metal influences.

Formed in 1998, the founding guitarists M and Balfori (1349) soon recruited Azarak (Satyricon session and Spiral Architect) as a second guitarist after Balfori’s move to vocals. Ray, who is responsible for the keyboards, was the next member to join and Asgeir Mickelson of Borknagar fame played session drums for the band’s first two demos. On the second of these, Spiral Architect’s vocalist, Maztema, was drafted in to perform clean vox, and soon became a permanent fixture as the bassist. After recording “…the infinite” Janos of (V.E.G.A.) joined as a permanent drummer.

M and Azarak’s dual onslaught is accurately and competently performed - at times the rhythm guitar rings of prog metal bands - while the technical solos and melodic riffs make for accessible (by Elitist’s standards) music. The bass is impressive, the original style complementing and underpinning the guitars, while Asgeir’s drums are complex yet not overpowering. Maztema’s clean vocals also fit well, providing a welcome relief from the black-orientated screeches of Balfori. Ray’s keyboards, while an elemental aspect of the band’s sound, enhance rather than dominate.

My favourites on “…the infinite” include “si vis pacem, para bellum”, which opens with a spoken passage and dark acoustic guitar before launching into a symphonic, blast-fuelled effort. “…of the one” has fast keyboards/piano and numerous time and dynamic changes adding variety, while opener “in the eyes of the heretic” has catchy, memorable clean vocal lines. “growth denied”, with its clean vox and jumping guitars and keyboards, has to be the most proggy song on the album, and closing track “soulcrush” ensures your interest is held to the last second.

In conclusion, “….the infinite” is a well written, competently recorded album and while some more traditional fans may not appreciate their advances in metal, this is a must for all followers of cutting edge music.
From Metal Heart - Sweden


Lunaris är ett norskt black metal band som består av medlemmar från några av dom största norska metal banden genom tiderna. Bandet består av gitarristen Azarak (Spiral architect, Satyricon), bassisten Maztema (Spiral architect), sångaren Balfori (ex. 1349), keyboardisten Ray, gitarristen M och batteristen Janos. På skivan är det däremot Asegeir Mickelson (Spiral architect, Borknagar) som sitter bakom trummorna men han hoppade av ganska snart efter inspelningen av skivan. Musiken skulle kunna beskrivas som progressiv black metal. Balfori sköter growlandet medans Maztema sjunger med ren röst på vissa ställen. Musiken är ganska svår att få grepp om, men när man väl får det så kan man njuta av skivan fullt ut.

Keyboarden används mest som komp och spelar sällan melodislingor vilket gör att detta inte låter som något annat jag hört. Musiken är ibland väldigt lugn och harmonisk men helt plötsligt så är det vanligt black metal mangel man bjuds på igen. Hela skivan är väldigt teknisk och alla i bandet är skickliga musiker vilket man också märker ganska bra. Det här är något helt nytt och fräscht som jag aldrig hört tidigare. Visst har man hört black metal med lugnare inslag och till och med lite progressiva element men inte i denna grad och inte på detta sätt.

En skiva som alla borde kolla upp och se vad man tycker om bandet. Jag har svårt att rekommendera skivan till någon viss målgrupp därför tycker jag alla ska gå ner till närmsta skivaffär och provlyssna och se vad ni själva tycker. Jag tycker i alla fall detta är en riktigt bra skiva.

From Urkraft Webzine


Elitist, 2002

I am always complaining about the lack of enterprising attitude within the black metal scene. The scene has grown quite tedious over the last few years with only a handfull of exciting new names coming along and making it a tad more interesting to follow (Hortus Animae and Khold being two of them). Now here comes another to join that small club! Namely Norwegian Lunaris. With renowned musicians from Borknagar and Spiral Architect in their stable they have the skill to create something new and exciting. And that is just what they have managed to do.

"...the Infinite" is a commendable album for many reasons. First of all the musicianship is, as you might have guessed, flawless. These guys are all pro's on their individual instruments and they all know how to excell without exaggerating. Plus they have the material to pull it off. 10 beautifully crafted songs of finest brand. Ultra progressive indeed but still with that genuine black metal feel to them. "In the Eyes of the Heretic" could very well become a future classic! Amazing track! Bands like Lunaris pushes the scene forward and that is what we need!


LUNARIS -"...The Infinite"

Lunaris is a new band formed by members of Borknagar, Satyricon, 1349 and Spiral Architect. According to the press release, they are a normal band and not just a project, so I guess that we should expect frequent releases by them and that is a good thing, because their music is very interesting. They play Astral Metal, basically Black Metal with a technical, aggressive and majestic/atmospheric edge. The sound of this band will immediately win you over, because it is really kind of magical. The combination of the aggressive, yet quite technical guitars with the very imaginative keys works perfectly in this album. These guys have done a great job with the compositions, putting all the experience they've gained from their other bands into them. The vocals move into the classic Black Metal boundaries giving an absolutely fantastic overall result, although there are also some few clean ones. This is a very good album that I am sure will get the attention it deserves, although Covenant's "Nexus Polaris" still remains the top of its class.

Street Date: September 2nd