luthier art


Jul 22, 2007
In my research of archtop guitars I stumbled on this site. This is amazing craftmanship from German luthiers. This link shows Hofner guitars, at the top and bottom of pages you will find an index leading to other builders. Some of these are just phenominal. If anyone knows of other links I'd be interested in seeing them.
that has to be some of the UGLIEST guitars I ever seen in my life!:mad::Smug:
Yea, I didnt think jazz archtops looked that good when I was younger. Now I find them beautiful. But some of the craftmanship and woodwork on some of the guitars on that site are amazing. Some overdone and perhaps gaudy but stunning at the same time. You/.. I cant begin to imagine the collector value of those jazz boxes. Some of them probably sound pretty sweet too.

The main point of my posting that was to show that it actually was an art form at one time. Most of todays expensive archtops are more understated and most likely produce better overall tone, still an art form but the overall appearence between builders is a more uniform, time proven formula.