Luxembourg is the richest country in the world? wth?

Life is quite fucking expensive here...take housing prices for example, it's insane. People actually move to small towns just across the border in Belgium and Germany, because there you get a nice house for the same price as a medium-sized apartment in Lux.-City!
Oh and by the way, the population of the country is a bit less than half a million.
Look ho many fuckin billionairs there are in the US tho

Rank Country Number of billionaires
1 United States 269
2 Japan 29
3 Germany 28
4 Italy 17
5 Canada 16
6 Switzerland 15
7 France 15
8 Hong Kong 14
9 Mexico 13
10 United Kingdom 12
11 Russia 8
11 Saudi Arabia 8

And 5 out of 10 of the richest people in the world live in the US.... if the goverment took all there money... we'd be drunken with power.