Lynam,Warrant,Poison-B'ham AL this past Saturday


Sep 24, 2008
Northeast Alabama
I took my Saturday night.Not a Lynam fan,but B'ham is their home town so they opened.Warrant with Robert Mason is really good IMO.This is the 2nd time I've seen them with him,great both times.I've never seen Poison live as I wasn't a fan in the 80's of themusic with the exception of a song here or there.But my wife loves them so I decided to take her for our anniversary.I must admit,I had a good time listening to them.Bret and the entire band were great.During the "Something To Believe" song,he brought out some injured guys from the Afghan war and dedicated the song to them as well as the tornado victims of my home state.All in all I'm very happy we went.Brett OWNED the crowd.B'ham has always been a Poison town and it still is after seeing the turnout