Lyric interpretations?


ensammast i sverige.
Apr 22, 2002
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I saw someone here quite a while ago mentioning that Rahvin (I think) had posted(?) his interpretations of some songs.
I guess you see the question coming: are they possible to find anywhere? I searched for them back then but with no result.
It´d be nice to see someone else´s thoughts...
The FAQ is just coming "really" soon. But this is coming really soon. Really. Niklas wouldn't say it unless he really meant it.
Hedon said:
Official homepage. Really soon. Promise!

Awesome! :hotjump:

Dark_Jester said:
(Looks up) Nah, that is just 'really' soon, the one on the site is 'very' soon. Which comes first? Really or very? ;)

it´s actually "very, very" for the FAQ, isn´t it? And that´s kind of a bad sign... :Smug:
but screw the FAQ as long as the interpretations actually does get there. :)
Hedon? Nevar!
Not even about gigs in Finnlandia :rolleyes:

I found the FAQ-remark rather funny actually :p

..,Well, when I first saw it, about a year ago :Smug:

Lets say theyre just really really busy with the band and the music! Worth it, isnt it? Heelig :worship:

:Smug: :rolleyes: :lol:
Onyx said:
Esoteric?... Why did you say that about him?

esoteric is not - contrarily to popular belief - a synonym of "magical" or "arcane". it just means there is a precious few who can understand it, and the masses are out of the picture.
i would definitely say that this definition fits a lot of niklas' works as they are incredibly complicated and sophisticated.

I'm no Rahvin, but..

Onyx said:
Tell me, is Niklas in some way connected to satanism or somesuch?

Duh, NO, he isn't. What made you think so in the first place?

-Villain (np: My Dying Bride - The Light at the End of the World - "The Isis Script")
now i got it. you are just a fake account of one of the regulars who wants to spread real hazard. what do i win?
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Nogie, I have it installed, but it doesn't work on certain types of bizzare humour [type "realhazard", for example].