Lyrics Currently Kicking Your Ass

Carpe Mortem

Benevolently Batshit
Aug 21, 2013
Trouble- A Sinner's Fame

It's been so long
Since I have believed in

I tried to tell her
Envy not a sinner

The writer sings, he wants to die
The flowers came, they all were mine

Maybe I'm a dreamer
But I can't sleep at night
Where's the light

It's been so long
Since I have believed in me

I tried to tell her
Envy not a sinner's fame
I'm nigh end screamer
I never be the same
I tried to tell her
Envy not a sinner's fame

Deep shit to me. I immerse myself in fantasy a lot, and people IRL identify me with my unusual stance on moral quandaries, like I'm fuckin crazy for thinking that way. Truth be told I just wish more people thought as I do so I wouldn't feel so ostracized because of it.
Regarding the destruction of our natural environment, the moral downfall of modern man, and our inevitable failure as a species:

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end

The only thing that counts is the prosperity of today
Most important to us is that our bills get paid

Our good intentions have always been delayed

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt
Try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
By just using our minds
We are so afraid of all the things unknown

A must we appease is the lust to get laid
Nothing really matters, just devouring our prey

Our good intentions have always been delayed so
Our generous acts have always come too late

How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!

Try to unlearn all that you've learnt
Try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
By just using our minds
We are so afraid of all the things unknown
We just flee into a dream that never comes true

Low to the ground we feel safe
Low to the ground we feel brave

Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti

Open your eyes, we're not in paradise
How can't you see this stress is killing me?
Fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems to be
We have captured time
So time made us all hostages without mercy

Seemingly generous fooling ourselves
Selfishly venomous time tells

Too much thinking goes at the cost of all our intuition
Our thoughts create reality
But we neglect to be!
So we're already slaves of our artificial world
We shouldn't try to control life
But listen to the laws of nature

Open your eyes, we're not in paradise
How can't you see this stress is killing me?
Fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems to be
We have captured time
So time made us all hostages without mercy

Low to the ground we feel safe
Low to the ground we feel brave

We all think we're generous
But we only fool ourselves
The only thing that matters is
Our way and our vision

Selfishly we're venomous
But you know the time tells us
There is more to life than our
Higher positions, race for perfection
Better, faster
We must return to the laws of the nature
Free ourselves from madness.

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Dick is fucking big
Pussy is fucking tight
Anal fuck is waiting
Big dick's might

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

Put it in bitch mouth
It will makes you to ill
Sexual metal holocaust will
Crush poser gay!

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

I will please entry anus
Oh my god! Give me spicy pussy
Pussy is good smell
Shit is bad smell

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

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Deeds of Flesh

"I was born with the evil one standing as my sponser, beside the bed where I was ushered into the world and he has been with me ever since." [H.H.H.]
"I'm a mistake of nature." [A.C.]
"The desire to inflict pain, that is all that's uppermost." [A.F]
"He won't let me stop killing until he gets his fill of blood." [D.B.]
"I cut it's throat. The blood spurted up and I drank from the stump." [P.K.]
"Society's had their chance. I'm going hunting. Hunting humans." [J.O.H.]
"I wonder how her head would look on a stick" [E.K.]
"These children that come at you with knives, they are your children." [C.M.]
"Look down at me and you will see a fool. Look up to me and you will see your lord. Look straight at me and you will see yourself." [C.M.]
"Killing is killing, whether done for duty, profit or fun." [R.R.]
"His brains were coming out of his head when I left him, and he will never be any deader." [C.P.]
"I remember, as I gazed down at the still form of my first victim, experiencing a strange and peaceful thrill." [J.R.C.]
"After my head has been chopped off, I will still be able to hear, for at least a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck. That would be the pleasure to end all pleasures." [P.K.]
This one just came on... not metal. But fuck. If you've ever had someone you saw almost every day for like 15 years overdose, you know the feel, and this shit hits hard. Wondering if you coulda done anything instead of distancing yourself and hoping for the best because they've become thieves and assholes. It was 2 years in November.

Gimmie back my homie...

Hopsin- Old Friend

Now you always look like you don't know me
And I'm mad at the world 'cause the meth took away my homie
Gimmie back my homie! (Please come home!)
I just wanna chill on the neighborhood block like we used ta (Where'd you go?)
I never woulda thought my best friend'd be gone in the future (But I was wrong...)

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The golden standard

I need new ways to torture all my bitches
Peel off their skin or cover them in stitches
Sometimes they bleed sometime they spit
Sometimes I feed on their half decayed clit
I've scraped out their guts through their torn open cunt

It's so much fun to make them bleed
But I have new ways to kill them indeed
An electric rod that spews ten thousand volts
Up her ass I pound it, her cunt implodes
Surging through her sliced open veins
Smoke emits from her boiling brain
Currents flow through her bubbling mass
Sparks and blood shoot from out her ass

Tears are building in my eyes from the stink of your burnt fluid
You hair is singed: your flesh is black, your form reduced to ruin
I pull your crispy outer skin to reveal your bloody tissue
I chomp the chips of harden flesh and lust at your dead sinew

A strange idea has taken over
I'll remove your blistered outer cover
Caress your skinless, dripping body
A burning feeling builds inside me
With staggering force I go inside it
The slits warmth will make my nut spit
I pound her slit til I feel it cumming
My eyes roll back the pleasure is numbing

I ride your toasted dripping carcass
With infinite hate I beat your face in
The third hit causes you nose to cave in
Oh my god, she's breathing
What will I do with this toasted hog bitch
Thought she was dead, but I feel her heart beat
A thrifty idea I have excites me
Where is my hacksaw

You feel the bite
Saw through your horribly burnt open flesh
I'll cut off your limbs till you are dead
When you are really deceased
Again I will get my cock wet
Regarding a scientific genocide:

Disinfected torture chamber
A scientific abattoir
Their death is the price of your progress
If these walls could talk, they'd scream

No empathy
No dignity

Cruelty without beauty
Cruelty without beauty

Archaic rhetoric your weak defense
Your victims have no choice, no voice
Look in their eyes, does it still make sense?
A plastic bag their burial gown

No empathy
No dignity

Cruelty without beauty
Cruelty without beauty

A legacy of evil you preserve
Their blood cannot be washed clean
In my eyes their brutal fate you deserve
In your dreams you will hear them scream

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Why these bitter words of the dying, o brethren,
which they utter as they go hence?
I am parted from my brethren.
All my friends do i abandon and go hence.
But whither i go, that understand i not,
neither what shall become of me yonder;
only God who hath summoned me knoweth.
But make commemoration of me with the song:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

But whither now go the souls?
How dwell they now together there?
This mystery have i desired to learn; but none can impart aright.
Do they call to mind their own people, as we do them?
Or have they forgotten all those who mourn them and make the song:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

We go forth on the path eternal, and as condemned,
with downcast faces, present ourselves before the only God eternal.
Where then is comeliness? Where then is wealth?
Where then is the glory of this world?
There shall none of these things aid us, but only to say oft the psalm:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

If thou hast shown mercy unto man, o man,
that same mercy shall be shown thee there;
and if on an orphan thou hast shown compassion,
the same shall there deliver thee from want.
If in this life the naked thou hast clothed,
the same shall give thee shelter there, and sing the psalm:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Youth and the beauty of the body fade at the hour of death,
and the tongue then burneth fiercely, and the parched throat is inflamed.
The beauty of the eyes is quenched then, the comeliness of the face all altered,
the shapeliness of the neck destroyed; and the other parts have become numb,
nor often say: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

With ecstasy are we inflamed if we but hear that there is light eternal yonder;
that there is Paradise, wherein every soul of Righteous Ones rejoiceth.
Let us all, also, enter into Christ, that we may cry aloud thus unto God:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Dick is fucking big
Pussy is fucking tight
Anal fuck is waiting
Big dick's might

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

Put it in bitch mouth
It will makes you to ill
Sexual metal holocaust will
Crush poser gay!

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

I will please entry anus
Oh my god! Give me spicy pussy
Pussy is good smell
Shit is bad smell

Dick is fucking big
Fuck off shaving pussy

Ask, and ye shall receive. Lips parted, kiss of shame.
Transcendental spirit. Emergent, ravishing flames.
A trident, a shining Trishul! Rips open the sphere.
Bleeding, gaping wound: puzzle of heart so clear.

Dirige Nos Domine;
Adeste Fideles;
Dominus Vobiscum;
LUCIFER Mihi Ancora!
Vocatus Atque
Non Vocatus Domine Aderit;
Veritas Vos Liberabit:
SATAN Mihi Ancora!

Drink of the unconscious stream, sweet Elixir of the Vain.
Towards the uncreated; Hallowed, unspoken name:
~SA:MA:EL~ TridentOvRebellion! None other embodied such might!
Thou giveth phosphorous structure, drinketh the nectar of night.

O Morning Star! My Light of Pride!
My song for Thee; the choir, the chime.
Ten thousand prayers, we cry Thy praise!
O Lord accept: a token... this life.

In shadows and waves, Thy motion felt.
(From) the highest peaks, (to) the endless depths;
Your flood will shape, a Sect of Man,
Feverish limbs, graced by Thy hand.

Credo Quia Absurdum Est.
I believe it because it is absurd.
Credo Quia Absurdum Est...!
I believe it because it is absurd...!

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Drinking words from a bone catheter
Without consistence
Tasting dominance as an appetizer
Ambitious platters spiced with numbers
My thoughts wander as I stare at the talking fish...
Giving sound advices on how to silence my dish.

Billions of livings painting for the greedy
In this summit of foam
Invited by naughty titans in their inhuman museum
To share not-so mysteries and their would-be decorum.

Feasting fools on a monstrous path
Feasting fools in a soiled bubble bath
Table is set for tragedy
A misshapen mole in the face of decency.

Cybernetic fairies in loss of power
Crushed by the work-till-death project
Sick as wingless birds skewered on a numeric stake.

Look...the synthetic clown is smiling
...and the children are starving
Ludicrous pawn of despotic tramplers
Industrial monsters, jaws ripping the very fabric
of this physical existence.

Elegant jackets, dragon-skin style; mandrake cigars fathering tiny storms of snobbism, fresh cemetery juice and electro-nerves floatting rubba' things.
High educated horned giants worshipping shallow luxuries
Boiling with a vain intensity just staring at the cyclic visual feast.
Descending to visualization vault XYZ after an exquisite dinner
Holographic sceneries despicting the All
So many lives...
Frames no more, captured by digital
Invisible bonds...but still...such nice colors...
Irregular digitalis begging for guidance in his strayed life
A juggling feat for the eaters
A struggling beat for the wired.
Just standing now in the middle of a past
Marble still in the dead zone
The cemetary walking over me
...and I wonder.
Are they stones or are they names
Am I stoned or just ashamed
Just a human with respect in his pockets
Ready to share some with the face of the worthy
Let the Grim be aware,
I won't be reaped without guarantees
I like my eggs boiled and that's it.

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On a serious note...

A creature made of sunshine
Her eyes were like the sky
Rabbit howls like something old
As we twitch to a lullaby
The scalpel shines in god''s sunshine
The Streetlights whisper pain
Down here near the poison stream
Our god has gone insane

She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry

She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
Like the scream of the butterfly

Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it''s never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I''ll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it''s just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?

There''s blood on the moon and the summer is cold
There''s love in the room
But baby that''s getting old
There''s blood on my face sittin'' on uhh dead shore
A highway,highway of emptiness and I''m getting bored

There''s blood on the moon as we plan our escape
The goddess in bloom
Handcuffed and raped
There''s blood in the bathtub baby
Murder the king
There''s blood on the moon
There''s blood on just about everything

Sunshine in the house of flames
She loves it where she gets it
But it''s never felt the same
Surgery, in the house of dissection
When your candle burns out..I''ll resurrect you
She runs
Through fields of daisies
Yeah, it''s just a shame that they eat their own babies
Who cares
Cos the air is free
When you get there will you kiss the dead for me?

Something cold is forced inside her
A tears spill down her cheek
Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer
Hymn''s of a needle freak

With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don''t care
Her dreams of liquid blue
I cut my self again and again to remind myself of you

She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
With blood on her hands
Into the sun she stares
She feels it die
I heard her cry...
Like the scream of the butterfly
I like the scream of the butterfly

I met an angel with a sawed-off shotgun
Wanted by the FBI
We dropped some acid
Killed our parents
Then we hit the road

I like the scream of the butterfly
^One of my friends said that should be my theme song awhile back. I guess I'll give it another listen.



Axis of Advance - Primeval Expansion
A hamlet lord had taken me in
He was an elder lacking kin
His wing was mentorous and protective
The celestial erudition he was about to share

As a boy i'd learned much on my own
Recognizing pre-war signs and dialects
But Lord Elmreckt was a master intellectual
Capable of feats unproven by science

The first step: to understand the fear
To control the reflexes of mental lapse
Following this: the medicinary state
Where expanding the mind is possible by the use of linear projection

And for long months, I listened, practiced and learned
My mind's eye has transcended the scars of the earth
My awareness immense, my instincts now honed
Lord Elmreckt and I were tapping into the unknown

And oh, the sight and the sound!
Like a billion explosions, but black and calm
And this alleged continuum of space and time?
It is not at all like what is said in the old world's books

"Quiet" he said, "We are travelling at a humungous speed
Down an unchartable quarter of the astral sleet"
It was so intense that I felt death grip me
Toy with me, follow me and then let me go

Apparition: "There is a land far away across the violent sea
9000 solsti have passed since a dying and unearthly race
Tried to cultivate there. It is important that their work is completed.
Not for their sake, but for yours

What is this... strange four legged creatures hoofing through desert lands
Gigantic triangular structures... bizarre glyphs... and a...
An opening for life of the universal nucleus
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Trouble - Run to the Light

"My soul is troubled
I`m afraid of the darkness,
afraid of myself
and sometimes, I don`t know where I`m going
but when I die, I know I will find my way
in the light, is our salvation
pain is just a memory
in the light, you will find the truth
all the answers, for those who want to know"

One of the most impactful passages of music I've ever heard.