Lyrics from song 'Atomic Soul' on Russ's album.


Where am I?
Jun 17, 2005
So I've always wondered what this one particular line in the song Atomic soul says. Its right near the start where he sings "Come on, we're live tonight..." and then this line that I can't decipher. So I google it, and strangely enough most of these lyrics sites have lyrics for all other songs on the album, just not the title track in question. I did eventually find one site that had the lyrics, but wouldn't you know it that particular line had a question mark in its place. So I decide to go ahead and dig through my box of cd cases/covers and find the album booklet. And wtf that line doesn't even appear in the book!!! strange...

But anyway, if anyone thinks or knows for certain what that line is, could you fill me in? K thanks!
Yeah, the lyrics don't seem to exist for that line. Aaaaand I don't think it's that important anyway, hahah.
so shake it and let it ring ?
so shape up and let it ring ?

thing about ring is it sure sounds like the last letter is a m or n but I dont think the word is dream.

My drummer is pretty good at figuring out hard to understand lyrics. If I remember tuesday I'll have him give it a few listens.
Yeah, the lyrics don't seem to exist for that line. Aaaaand I don't think it's that important anyway, hahah.

Yeah I'm not gonna stop listening just cuz i don't know, but I'm just curious really. And every time I hear the song, (and usually trying my best to sing along, not like I can hit some of those notes or anything hehe) it kinda bugs me a bit.
So shake your mother love green?

Speaking of Atomic Soul, I always laugh when I hear the beginning of Saucey Jack because that's how I envision Symphony X kick-starting their Friday nights.