Lyrics (Mis?)Adventures Thread

I can't write lyrics :( I have an EP ready to be recorded, 5 songs, guitars, bass, drums, everything done... except for the damn lyrics, there are days I sit to write some stuff and 5 hours latter I have nothing, nada! :(:(:(:( so... I might steal some ideas from here, zomgfu :)

same here =/ i only wrote 1 lyric, but i think it's a big bucket ov crap, i think i'll never use it
lulz i have like 30-50 lyrics laying around but the rest of my band wont use them cause they want some emo shit.. :erk:
damn i thought this was about misheard lyrics, got all excited there...

i found a few of those (ill post em anyway)

judas priest - heavy metal - chorus sounds like panty phantom
dismember - wardead - sounds like hes yelling "WERE GAYYYYY"
theres also a good testement song that sounds like "chicken pie reality"

thread piracy is what this is