lyrics question

Oct 14, 2004
Nijmegen, Holland
wtf is alexi singin' in Angels don't kill.
for long I thougt it was this

Yeah I'll go
It feels so cold
Yeah, I'm watching by
I'll die alone!!

but today I looked up the lyrics and I saw this:

You're no good!
It feels so cold
Yeah, I'm watching by
I'll die alone

and that also could fit in
does anyone know which one it is.
I can't figure it out and I fucking want to know now
Hmm.... The lyrics of Angels Don't Kill don't come in the booklet. Anyway, the lyrics you saw are written by fans. These guys listen to the song at slow-mo and try to figure what the guy ( Alexi ) says, so they're not 100% accurate. You won't find the real lyrics, and in fact, I think that Laiho doesn't sing the same words from gig to gig. :D
Angels don't kill said:
ah don't care that much but is was just something I wanted to know.
well.. I used to care alot about lyrics and all, but yeh....once I hear the guitars I just don't really pay attention to the lyrics :p

btw,I think it's the first one...
I hope that once the band stops being they will release all the lyrics.

Angels Don't Kill lyrics, by me:

I hear the first sets going by
watching myself slowly die
Sharp is the pain leadin' through my eyes
slowly tearing me apart

What if you're an angel fallen from grace?
Next the fist that I hate...
Bring/lift me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss
that rips off my heart to show me how black it is

Go! Yeah, I'll go... Go! ...It feels so cold... Go! ...I'll die alone

I hear the first steps walking by
watching myself slowly die
Sharpening pain leadin' through my heart
slowly tearing me apart

When you appear as an angel
looking me down, looking my way
Could you ever kill the pain in my heart
even though they say angels don't kill
Eh not that it matters to quabble over certain words but heres my interpritation. I think it clarifies a few things that dont quite make sense in the last one.

I hear the footsteps going by
Watching myself slowly die
Sharp pain impailing through my heart
Slowly tearing me apart

what if your an angel fallen from grace
Yes this fist that i hate
Pick me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss
The rips on my heart show me how black it is

Go! Yeah, I'll go... Go! ...It feels so cold... Go! ...I'll die alone

I hear the footsteps walking by
Watching myself slowly die
Sharp pain impailing through my heart
Slowly tearing through my heart

When you appear as an angel
Looking me down, Looking my way
Could you ever kill the pain in my heart?
Even though they say angels dont kill?
okay, here ya go. this is the correct version. alot of the previous ones were wrong, but some parts were corrected, and some were also not corrected. so here is all of the right lyrics. though i think. even if they are wrong, they are closer than joonas anyway, :grin:

I hear the first sets walking by
watching myself slowly die
Sharp pains impailing through my heart
slowly tearing me apart

well maybe you're an angel fallen from grace,
yes, the fist that i hate
pick me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss
then rip out my heart to show me how black it is!

go, yeah ill go. it feels so cold. "not sure about this part", ill die alone!

When you appear as an angel
looking me down, looking my way
Could you ever kill the pain in my heart
even though they say angels don't kill

i hear the first sets walking by
watching myself slowly die
sharp pain impailing through my heart
slowly tearin me apart
Angels don't kill said:
Ahh that footsteps walking by makes more sence than first sets walking by still can't hear it well :P

thats true, i never even thought about it. but i think he does change the lyrics live a lot though.

Joonas Lehtonen said:
Still think mine's most correct..

afraid not dude