

New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2003
Hey! I recently discovered how fantastic the music of Hypocrisy is. Since I think that the lyrics and the "message" of the songs are pretty important, I wonder, is there anyplace I can get the lyrics for the "Into the Abyss" and "Catch 22" albums? I guess similar stuff have been posted but Im too lazy to go through 13 pages. :) Thanks.
Yes, I have checked DarkLyrics, they hardly have anything there of worth. :( Thank you anyway though.
I have been curious about this for YEARS. I have searched the internet (not recently) but I can't find much at all.

Are there any other places we can find lyrics? I want everything from the 4th Dimension on, dammit.

Is Peter averse to the idea of giving the lyrics out?
I don´t think there excists any accurate lyrics. Mr.Tägtgren doesn´t want them to be shown, I quess. And what I heard in this one interview was that the lyrics are written in some piece of paper (and I quess they get lost? or something).
I find lyrics to be very important too, but somehow Hypocrisy is different. With this band I don´t mind not knowing.
I think that Peter had planned on printing the lyrics on their website at one point, but I'm not sure. Maybe thewendy will chime in...