


Today, at almost any "heavy-metal'' rock concert one can hear the audience being exhorted to rape and murder in the name of Satan. Lyrics such as the following are typical:

"We come bursting through your bodies

Rape your helpless soul

Transform you into a creature

Merciless and cold

We force you to kill your brother

Eat his blood and brain

Shredding flesh and sucking bone

Till everyone's insane

We are pestilent and contaminate

The world Demonic legions prevail"
Fuck off, rebirth. You go to one concert and think everybody is like that? Come back after you actually LISTEN to Nevermore, you ignorant semen stain.
NoLordy says NoSatan either. (hehehe)
I do it only as irony, and yet some people *cough*rebirth*cough*fag* take it too seriously.
SHit fire guys, ease the fuck off. Dont you fuckers read anything.

Ive read that in an article. The exact same thing.

Im sure this guy read it as well, and thought it was funny.
Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
Fuck off, rebirth. You go to one concert and think everybody is like that? Come back after you actually LISTEN to Nevermore, you ignorant semen stain.

Dont take this the wrong way man, but the guy who made this trhead, he has all the nevermore stuff, and sanctuary stuff.

Ill go find the page this shit came from, and post more of it.
He should state that he doesn't uphold it then...
It appeared like he meant what he posted.
If he was being humorous, then I retract.
well, when i saw this trhead, i emedialtly thought it was posted so ppl could either agree or disagree with the contex, not bash the poster.

bUt hey, thats just me.
I disagreed philosophically with him.
And yes, some musicians have a sense of humor.
(Except CoF. Blehhhh.)
After some thought, Cradle of Filth HAS to have a sense of humor to put up with their own screaming.
yeah, some do it for laughs, but dude, there are some belivers out there hahhaha

Paganini for one hahahaha.

Blackmore, he was warped dude.