M-Audio FireWire Interface


I have this interface. I have had more success with Clean sounds than distorted (not sure it is the interface/preamps fault, more likely my own:heh: ). The cleans sound nice, full and crisp, the distorted sounds are (for the want of a better expression) compressed sounding. Will a preamp do this, I don't know:goggly: , I'm pretty noob with this stuff.

Here is a quick sample I did the first day I got my Krank Rev.


BC Rich EMG85 (Neck)>Boss GT-8>Krank Revolution>Mesa Trad 4X12>SM57>M-Audio Firewire Solo>Cakewalk Guitar Tracks. No post EQ, anything (raw recording) just volume boosted.

It was just a test recording one-track, one-take, bum notes and all. I hope it gives you some idea of how the Interface sounds.
