M.O.D. Tour Cancellation


May 29, 2011
I posted this on the Billy Milano board but that place is pretty dead these days. I bought a ticket to see M.O.D. in November and received an e-mail the same day stating that the tour had been cancelled. Just wondering if anyone knows what happened.
Probably couldn't sell out a toilet cubicle.

Makes me laugh these days the way Milano was wishing nothing but shit on Anthrax, saying they were over, etc etc. Must hurt when he watches them playing Poland Woodstock in front of 300K people.
Probably couldn't sell out a toilet cubicle.

Makes me laugh these days the way Milano was wishing nothing but shit on Anthrax, saying they were over, etc etc. Must hurt when he watches them playing Poland Woodstock in front of 300K people.

Yeah lol, he still makes fun of Charlie and Scott here and there on FB. Wonder what his problem is? He should forget the past and move on with HIS OWN LIFE instead of bitchin about them all the time.
By the way, the e-mail I received mentioned not condoning racism. Apparently, racism had something to do with the cancellation.
I really like The Rebel You Love To Hate album.

BTW that "people dressed like chairs" remark almost made me fall off my own chair :lol:
Found this on facebook...

MOD - Method Of Destruction

August 29.

I have to be honest here. I don't like many of the aspects of this shitbag industry. I never do tickets for 15 bucks, EVER....
Its 5-7 weekdays mostly 10 on weekends sometimes 12 day of show. I tried to work with a booking agent that would facilitate an EASIER access to venues and I guess he didn't listen to what I said. So listen now! FIRED!. I have had more fun playing for 20- 30 - and 40 people than I have ever had playing for a 1000. Never again, NEVER. The november MOD dates in the north are canceled. SAN ANTONIO and HOUSTON are canceled, However- The show MOD booked in the Valley and San Marcus are GOOD TO GO. NO MORE GREEDY JEW SHIT!!!!

Looks like Billy wanted to charge less for tickets? $15 really isn't unreasonable, but ok, that's cool. He really needs to drop the whole "greedy jew" bullshit though. Grow up man.

Edited to add that the booking agent he claims is so greedy hooked me up with tickets for another show which actually cost more than the $15 I spent for MOD. That doesn't seem like the act of a "greedy jew". He did right by me and the others that bought tickets for this show.